My email to Shawn McCraney today.


The more we talk about the Trinity publically and the more people write blogs and do videos about you like I have done (I'm going to a do a big one next that takes several hours), the more that people know you are non-Trinitarian and are unable to defend the Persons of the Godhead vanishing before time and space. The more people know this about you, the more people will rebuke you and not consider you a Christian for there is no love relationship if there is not the Godhead of 3 Persons in community with each other. This far transcends your idea of God as 1 Person operating in 3 different modes (e.g. father, husband, son). This the nature of humans, not God. God can't be fully explained because He is infinitely greater than us so how we define God should leave some unanswered questions. I think you get lots of backlash not only because you are a Modalist, but because you are so arrogant and yet so wrong and your reading of Scripture so weird. I don't know how someone can be like that, but certainly not someone who has the Holy Spirit.

I've never seen anyone talk around a subject as much as you, instead of just addressing Scripture which we can find no support for Modalism. Doesn't evidence matter to you? But we do see the 3 Persons of the Godhead and they never cease to exist. For example, before time and space, Jesus created all things as the 2nd Person of the Trinity. Jesus existed before time and space. He was not a mixture mingled with the Father and the Spirit and then manifests himself into different modes. These are rather, God's 3 distinct Persons, but not separate since God is one being.

How can a doctor treat you if you don't admit your condition? You continually refuse to admit you are a Modalist which shows you don't understand the simplest of things, so how can you be delivered from this charade-type god if you don't admit you are a Modalist? You're not sensitive to this in your spirit because it has not been quickened so you have never been regenerated by God, still living in the old creation and not a new creation of God.

Your feelings are hurt because your feelings are deceiving you. If someone shows you are being harmful and not loving when you thought you were being loving it will take some adjustment. Should someone who has harbored a lie for decades come out of it unscathed? Of course not. It will be painful but also liberating if you finally accept the Triune God and let God break down your contradiction that the 3 Persons vanish when they never vanished in Scripture.

I sincerely hope this helps you Mr. 1%. Print this out, and when you go to sleep tonight read it over and over until you at least understand what the Trinity is.

Praise the Lord!