Shawn admitted he believes in the "3 modes of God" (modalism) as Father, Son and Spirit, and that before creation (time and space), God did not have 3 Persons but was without them. So his God did not have a love relationships of a lover, beloved and spirit of love between them in community and fellowship. Whereas say the Muslim God is just God with 1 will and 1 person, and no community of love as a Triune God.

Since Jesus prayed to the Father, He was not praying to Himself. They are distinct Persons. The Holy Spirit is working as well. God did not turn His being into a ventriloquist. He always had 3 Persons distinct but not separate and in creation they are revealed though before creation there was no Father, Son and Spirit just the 3 Persons.

Shawn said it is not our place to know if someone is saved or not. That's weird, because if it that were true then you couldn't have fellowship with the body of Christ, and you couldn't know who to give the gospel of salvation to.

The contradiction is he removes the 3 personages (Persons) of God before creation. Jesus is a personage, the Father is a personage, and Shawn even called the Holy Spirit He one time.

Shawn is saying these are 3 modes of God. So he is a Modalist. That is worshiping a false God. Nowhere do we find before creation (time and space) God not being 3 Persons and in creation 3 Persons. He has no reason he gives for not having the 3 Persons of the Godhead before time and space.

Since Shawn can't find a verse to support Modalism then he worships a false Christ that is not in a love relationship in the community of the Trinity. Shawn is in rebellion against God. No Modalists get into Heaven.

Shawn might still say he is saved if he saw 5 personages in Scripture. Evidence doesn't matter to him. It's like it doesn't matter if there are 3, 5, or 10 Persons and if they go back to being no Persons before time and space. Just start up another McCraney cult.

Shawn is quite disingenuous as he says at 5:32, "you can smoke time and space." We talkin about t he 3 Persons of the Godhead existing before time and space, and Shawn wants to smoke time and space? He is saying you can disregard creation by the 3 Persons of the Godhead.

New birth—receiving God’s own life—is the starting point of all spiritual life. How useless it is if the end result of all our exhortation, persuasion, argument, explanation and study is but to induce some understanding in the mind, some determination in the will, some feeling in the emotion. It has not assisted people to receive God’s life into their spirit. But if we who are responsible for preaching the gospel truly perceive that unless people receive God’s life into the depths of their beings we have not done anything profitable, then what a drastic reformation will there be in our work! Indeed, such knowledge will bring us to the realization that many who do profess to believe in the Lord Jesus have never actually done so. Tears, penitence, reform, zeal and labor: these are not the hallmarks of a Christian. Happy are we if we know that our responsibility is to bring man to receive God’s uncreated life. (Watchman Nee, CFP white cover)