Quote Originally Posted by Shawn A. McCraney
Your attacks are only partly correct and some of them are flat out wrong.
But I refuse to engage with men of your ilk. I can only wish you the best
and pray for your well being. Jesus is Lord and Savior.
You refuse to engage with actual Christians. Understand where your coyness comes from. It comes from exalting self, independency and rebelling against God. Since you worship a false Christ, you exalt self. You are the center of all things. All of these 7 reasons reflect that, that you are not born-again and have never been a child of God. All you have is coyness. That is not how a Paul would respond for he would defend the faith and repent of his own sins. I don't break bread with people of your ilk because you are a fraud. I can't break bread with false Christians, I just can't. I would rather go to a home of atheists and give them the gospel.

If there one verses that applied to you more than anything else, I would have you consider 2 Pet. 2.21.

"For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them."

You were given the clear gospel in 1997 and came close to the door of salvation, but you didn't enter and give into it. It would have been better for you if you stayed a Mormon. Now your place in Hell will be even worse and you would have had a greater opportunity of giving your life to Christ at some future point if you were still a Mormon.

J. Warner Wallace (Cold-Case Christianity) was also a Mormon, as was most his family, and when he left, he gave his life to Christ. He accepted the Triune God. You never did. J. Warner Wallace said that he believes non-Trinitarians are going to Hell. I agree.

I have every respect for Wallace and no respect for you Shawn A. McCraney.

Your fruit of obesity and gluttony makes more sense in this context now since you never died on the cross with Christ to your old man, so your flesh is in control and you don't have the Holy Spirit in you.

http://www.courageouschristiansunite...ervision-48993 (good information in this article, but be warned the writer is a Calvinist so he is not a Christian either)