Quote Originally Posted by Shawn McCraney
If everytime a man goes to pet a pit bull the pit bites him, that man
would wisely learn to stop trying to pet pit bulls. You offer me nothing
but the opportunity to get bit. Again.
Christians get bit. That's our nature because we stand up for the truth without worry of consequences, so your attempt to draw fear that we will get bit is not going to work.

Evidentially you don't have a leg to stand on and you don't overturn the evidence I give. Evidentially, therefore, Christians are on good foundation and the sand under your feet is getting more difficult to navigate. All lies eventually break down and do harm to you and others.

Who knows, you might get a cult following of rejecting the Trinity. Perhaps you have picked up on this already to draw in more dollars. Heck, a little controversy sells books. So many cults though before you have gone that way. I have one great example.

Watchman Nee was one of the most amazing Christians in Church history. He was a Trinitarian. But it wasn't long after his death a guy by the name of Witness Lee changed everything and was a modalist. How he switched one from the other the connection is not clear, but suffice it to say, as quickly as we have wonderful spiritual Christian in our midst, Satan is not that far behind to mess things up again. You are that Witness Lee to Mormons who escape Mormonism.

While you are no Watchman Nee, you are certainly a Witness Lee. Probably your version of modalism of which there are many you think is the one to beat all versions of modalism. Only someone of your prowess could fathom this new take on modalism. I think you are getting the point, you are severely lacking humility.