Mike Licona contacted the American Psychological Association. They told him there are no documented credible accounts of group hallucinations. It seems even silly to have this sort of discussion that the Apostles all hallucinated and not just one time but in 12 different group settings of different individuals present.

Mike said, "In the book put out by the American Psychological Association-Hallucinations: The Science of Idiosyncratic Perception-for the last 100 years on hallucinations, they don't have anything on group hallucinations. I contacted the authors and asked why not? They said we could not find any reliable documented sources on group hallucinations. They seem impossible."

Therefore, the resurrection is true, Jesus really is God, and there is no other name under heaven by which one can be saved.

Mike said, "In the book it says the group most likely to experience hallucinations are senior adults bereaved of the loss of a loved one. But only 7% of them experience a visual hallucination. In the various groups it would have to be 100% of all individuals involved. Group hallucinations is not a plausible explanation, does not have explanatory power and is ad hoc."