The Caught Up of 1 Thess.4:17 is in FACT prior to the start of Dan.9:27 ( the AC revealing himself as he kicks off that seven by confirming the covenant ) because Rev.19:7-8 shows them all in heaven ( in their Glorified bodies - Philippians 3:21 ) getting ready for His wedding PRIOR to His Post-Trib. ( Matt.24:29-32/Rev.19:11-21& 20:1-6 ) return to REIGN in Jerusalem ( Isaiah 24:23 ) and resurrect the beheaded Trib. saints as Priests to Reign with Him for 1000 years! Yes there is also a Mid-Trib. Caught Up of the Two witnesses ( Only - no one else ) of Rev. chapter 11! The Holy Spirit does the restraining mentioned in 2 Thess.2:1-8 and He does it by WORKING through the body of Christ ( those of 1 Thess.4:17 ) that He dwells in as per 1 Cor.6:19! The Only entity that scriptures show getting TAKEN or Caught Up are those of 1 Thess.4:17! Any other entity such as Michael the Arch angel would NOT get Taken out of the way at the Father's appointed time. God the Father would just tell them that it is time for Dan.9:27 to get started and they would just remove them-self and not get snatched out of the way by God! So yes indeed 1 Thess.4:17 are those Taken in 2 Thess.2:7-8! That is why they are then in heaven for the wedding of the Lamb ( Jesus ), while the final 7 years od Daniel's 70 sevens are Transpiring on earth! NO one gets Caught Up to heaven at Christ's Post-Trib. return to earth at the Mt. of Olives ( Zech.14:4/Acts 1:11b ) because those resurrected in Rev.20:4-6 as Priests, stay on earth to REIGN with Jesus for those 1000 Years!