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Thread: Joel Osteen Claims Mormons are Christians

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    Default Joel Osteen Claims Mormons are Christians

    One of the surest ways to know a person is going to Hell is if they say Mormons are Christians. Therefore, you know Joel Osteen is going to Hell, because he thinks Mormons are saved. He also refuses to talk about Hell which is a false gospel, because salvation is being saved from going to Hell.

    "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 1.3).

    When Mormons say Satan is the brother of Jesus that is not the faith once delivered unto the saints. When Mormons say God is a man and not a spirit that is not the faith once delivered unto the saints. And when Mormons put pentagrams on their church buildings and no crosses, that is not the faith once delivered to the saints. When Mormons says to get into heaven is by works that is not the salvation once delivered unto the saints.

    What common bond is their between the true Jesus and false Christs?

    Joel Osteen says as long as you say that Jesus is the Christ that's good enough for him, so you can remove all those verses in the Bible that talk about false Christs as there is no such thing in Osteen's mind. How much more money do you think he makes by saying that?

    Joel Osteen says a person who claims the atonement didn't take place on the cross but in the Garden of Gethsemane is still his brother. I agree they are brothers, but not brothers in Christ but brothers in Satan. They don't know the saving grace of God shed through His blood for forgiveness.

    Joel Osteen says a person is his brother in the same Christ who teaches that the reason people are black is because of their sin. I don't recall reading about that in the Scriptures.

    Osteen said we are not suppose to push people away, speaking of the President calling himself a Muslim, but didn't Jesus say to kick the dust from under your feet with some people? Jesus said, "And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, as ye go forth out of that house or that city, shake off the dust of your feet" (Matt. 10.14).

    Osteen said "90% of us are Christians." Really? Only 10% go to Hell. I am not even sure if that 10% go to Hell either according to Osteen. He is such a fraud.

    I am praying for judgment to come upon Joel Osteen especially him, because he is such a total fraud, and I know he knows that he is.

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    The good questions that got Mary were asking her did Jesus create all things and was God a man? She took a long time to answer those questions. She said Jesus always existed as matter and that her Father used that matter to give Jesus bodily form as well as her form and that God always existed, presumably as preexisting matter and needed his God to create him that that God copulated with his heavenly wife to produce out of that material. And on and on it goes in the eternity of the past of gods creating gods out of preexisting atheistic material.

    Whereas in Christianity God is spirit, alone from everlasting, no gods beside God, none before, none after, and nothing exists that exists without Jesus having created it. Mormons have a created being they worship for their Jesus is created, albeit out of pre-existing matter. This infinite regress of cause and effects of gods creating gods out of pre-existing matter leads me to the obvious question, there is always this pre-existing matter and it is always being used to create gods and humans, so which came first the god or the material?

    If the god always needs material to create humans from then there must be one god from which there was no material beside him and he created that material to produce gods and humans. But a Mormon would never admit that, because to them, being atheists, their material (their very selves) always existed along side their God, so the material itself of its own accord even though it does not have a mind, created the first god who then used that material to produce other gods. Crazy? Yes.

    If Joel Osteen is going to Heaven I want to go to Hell. Is it me, or does Joel Osteen when he speaks sound a lot like Mr. Rogers?

    As a Christian, if I went into a Mormon church, I would immediately be let out the door for what I believe that Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity. So if we are both Christians, why am I being abused by Mormons?

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