Re: Barbara May's Dec. 13, 2015 complaint letter

Before I respond to Barb's false accusation regarding #2, #3a, #3b and #6, I would like to point out clearly that Satan is the great false accuser and if Barbara May was a Christian she would not be doing this. That's a fact! She would be a sister in Christ and we would praise the Lord for what Jesus did on the cross. Therefore, her hostility in her flesh seeks to harm a Christian, because she knows I know she is going to Hell according to the Bible since she is too selfish to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. We know this. Barb sends her annual complaint against me, this time in response to my video I assume. I covered #3 and #6 in previous comments, but now she adds #2. I don't ask that you ban Barb from Racquetball Canada but prevent letting her evil win out. That is my prayer. I forgive her.

2. Members of Racquetball Canada and participants in Racquetball Canada programs and activities are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner consistent with the policies of Racquetball Canada. Conduct that violates these policies may be subject to sanctions.

She is being evil accusing of threatening which I have not threatened anything. She doesn't actually point to any threats specifically, but is very coy and couth. She accused of harassing. I haven't harassed her at all. I never talk to her ever but simply documented her abusive behavior. That's the right thing to do. She accused of degrading, but she is degrading as the video shows by being abusive in lying to protect her hide to cover up her own negligence at my expense and consequently banning me from playing in sanctioned tournaments in Alberta to misdirect away from herself and her misdeeds. Notice she never, not once, addresses this fact about her as the source of when she banned me from playing in sanctioned tournaments in Alberta. What is being circumvented actually exposes the thing she does not want revealed. Barb's looking for vindication of her abusive behavior if I am banned from Racquetball Canada. Dangerous behavior if gone unchecked gives her license for more abusive acts. Evil wins out in that case and God's judgment I am convinced comes upon those who would protect the mistreatment of others.

Instead of Barb allowing me to play sanctioned racquetball tournaments, banning since 2009, she continues to harass by preventing me from playing in sanctioned tournaments in Alberta. This is malicious! My video clearly shows her immoral behavior, what she is trying to cover up, but all she does in response instead of repenting and allowing me to play in sanctioned tournaments in Alberta, is send in vague and coy complaint letters to Racquetball Canada. Think how evil she is for her end game is to try to prevent me from playing not just in Alberta sanctioned tournaments, but Racquetball Canada sanctioned tournaments as well. This is evil. I've played in sanctioned tournaments most of my life but when Barbara May came along all that changed when Barb chose to be unethical towards me. I can only keep pointing to this fact. I don't intend to make someone repent of their misconduct, but I can expose them for their malicious behavior which we should all do when someone is mistreated.

Praise the Lord for this discernment! Amen.

Barbshatred 13Dec15.pdf