In Atheism the elements are eternal. Atheists have no need for God because the elements are eternal from the past they claim. They always existed. Mormons put in a God that existed alongside the elements and intelligences that always existed. Call this supernatural atheism which has no need God the uncreated Creator. These intelligences had no beginning as presumably the God of Mormonism had no beginning. How many of them? You can create a new cult depending on how many you arbitrarily assign.

Whereas Christians believe God created out of Himself (not out of nothing) so God brings time and space into being as well as man made in His image with free will.

Mormon Metaphysics teaches...

​Mormon scripture and the teachings of Joseph Smith include a number of details concerning the nature of light, elements, matter, "spirit matter", and intelligence.

According to Mormon scripture, "the elements are eternal".[49] This means, according to Smith, that the elements are co-existent with God, and "they may be organized and reorganized, but not destroyed. They had not beginning, and can have no end."[50] This principle was elaborated on by Brigham Young, who said, "God never made something out of nothing; it is not in the economy or law of which the worlds were, are, or will exist."[51] Thus, Mormons deny ex nihilo creation and instead believe that God created or "organized" the universe out of pre-existing elements.[52]

Along with physical matter, Mormons believe that spirit "intelligences" have existed co-eternally with God.[53][54]

Mormons believe in a universe and a God governed by physical law, in which all miracles, including acts of God, have a natural explanation, though science does not yet have the tools or means necessary to explain them.[55]