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Thread: What exactly is "being saved" referring to?

  1. #1
    howard Guest

    Exclamation What exactly is "being saved" referring to?

    What exactly is "being saved" referring to?

    "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. " Matthew7:21

    Although we are saved, we are still sinning by day and confessing by night, we are still not doing the will of our Father in heaven.

    But Paul said, "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Romans10:10

    So, What exactly is "being saved" referring to?

  2. #2
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    We are all born into sin. That sin separates us from God which means we are going to Hell unless we accept the atonement of Jesus on the cross shedding His blood for forgiveness of sins.

    Your spirit is dead to God, that is "disassociated from life" and "cessation of communication with God." So when a person is born-again by believing in Jesus, their spirit is quickened, they receive regeneration in their innerman, sensitive to God, and the Holy Spirit can them come to indwell the spirit given of eternal life. Such one becomes a new creation of God. The old creation has passed away.

    This is not to say a Christian would never do wrong ever again. By dying on the cross with Christ the Christian has power over sin because Satan can't work in that which has died. So there is no reason why a Christian should ever sin as God has given them the full armor of God, punished and brought us to death on the cross with Him. However, there is a life long battle with self of the flesh by bearing your cross daily. Those Christians who overcometh receive the reward of returning with Christ to reign over the nations for 1000 years. Carnal or fleshly Christians lose this reward as well as the reward of being first raptured.

    In your case since you reject what Jesus did for you, you are going to Hell. Jesus said if you are not for Him, you are against Him. In your profile you state you are deacon for the Church, but how is that possible when you are not even born-again? You're not even a member of the body of Christ. You are not being genuine.

    As for the kingdom of heaven in Matt. 7.21 this is speaking to Christians and all those saved from the OT period. Not all Christians will reign in the kingdom for 1000 years. Just those who overcometh. This is a discussion for believers; you are not even a child of God since you have not been born-again. So this discussion is for not for you. First you would need to become a new creation of God, something as yet selfishly and self-centered, you are unwilling to do.

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