The Bible doesn't say humans existed before Adam and Eve. Pre-Adamic men are not human since they are not made in God's image.
If that's the case, why are your referring to them as "men"? Men is the word for male HUMANS, nothing else. Also, if these Pre-Adamic creatures weren't human, then they could not have procreated with Adam, Eve, or any of their descendants. Anyway, could you please provide a quote from the Bible that refers to these creatures? Because, from what I've seen, there's no mention of anything but animals existing alongside Adam and Eve on earth.


That is, God has not for them breathed in the breath of life.
So, then, they're not alive? That doesn't make much sense. Could you elaborate?


But for Adam and Eve God directly created their spirit and when their spirit made contact with the body fully developed from pre-Adamic evolution, they became living souls with a spirit and a body.
Once again, please provide a quote that refers to contact between Adam and Eve and a pre-Adamic creature.


It's actually the 6th day that man was created, not the 5th day.
My apologies, that was a typo


Gen. 1.1 God created perfectly over 13.8 billion years. Then verse 2 says God caused earth to be desolate and waste because of the sin of the inhabitants of earth's earliest ages - dinosaurs. What follows was the restoration of creation in which there were 6 twenty-four hour days that sum up the period of restoration. And on that 6th day 4000 BC God created Adam and Eve.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but are you saying that Dinosaurs were God's first "trial," so to speak, for creatures to inhabit the earth. And you're also saying that they were more than animals, and thus able to comprehend a moral system. This is an interesting claim, considering how small and, based upon scientific projections, simple their brains were.
Also, some of the claims you've been making are incompatible. You said that Adam and Eve were created at 4000 B.C.E., but also that they were created 6 days after the beginning of the universe, which is at the beginning of the Bible. Which is it? It can't be both
Now, you made the claim that God made the earth desolate in verse 2, however, Gen. 1.2. doesn't say that, it says: [1.2] "The earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters." Is there any chance that you could provide a direct quote from the bible that refers to the following?:
1) Dinosaurs
2) The meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs
3) The Universe being as old as 13.8 billion years

The last one's not that major, but the first two are pretty critical


The Bible is 66 books. If we were to include all the happenings of Adam and Eve there would not be enough space for the stuff that really matters so the Bible tracks one family line which allows for relations with other people at that time.
The bible includes a lot of incorrect information (how to use bird blood to cure leprosy, things like that) and a lot of history that isn't necessarily related to Christianity (A few books following genesis and before exodus). I hardly think that the authors were too keen on looking at what was the most important information.


Adam and Eve were not saved since they rebelled against God and never repented. So their story ends there other than the mention of their descendants. The spiritual significance should be in view not petty arguments about how many of Adam's descendants were relationships with other women. That line of thinking doesn't produce much spiritual value to strengthen in your innerman. Was it 1/3 or 2/3rds who can say?
I don't care about this whole "innerman, outerman, and whatnot" philosophy. I'm looking at this from a perspective of historical truth. I don't know what you're really saying here, the wording confused me. However, hear this: You've not demonstrated that your claims are true in any way.

We have fossil remains of other people that are not strictly descendants of Adam and Eve and so Adam and Eve become representative of the human race. The point being from 4000 BC onward all pre-Adamic men became Adamic, that is to say, they had God-consciousness and once you have God-consciousness you can never cease to exist. You will be resurrected either to be with the saints or with the unregenerates in Hell.
1) How do you know who the fossils descended from? All of their organic tissue has rotted away, and that includes their DNA.
2) As for Pre-Adamic creatures becoming Adamic human beings, How does that work? One can't go from being non-human to human in one lifespan, that's simply impossible. Also, does the Bible even refer to this happening?
3) By God-conciousness, do you mean knowing of the Christian god, or believing in him/it?
4) unregenerates is not a word


Think how evil it would be of God to make you aware of His existence and then be told you will just cease to exist. What love is that? God created us in His image and to do so implies a permanently existing spirit, soul and body for God's image never ceases to exist. We are unique among the stars the only planet in the universe that contains life.
How evil would it be for God to create em knowing that I'd become an atheist, and then punishing me by sending me to hell for being an atheist? What kind of love is that?

Also, how do you know that there are no other planets with life on them? Can you prove that?