The Owner of is a Douchebag

My advice to is not to advertise on and not give the owner of that site any money for advertising because of his unethical behavior. It's just bad business for I emailed to that effect.

The owner of is a douchebag. We have had discussion in the past. He is totally antichrist for starters, calling Jesus a liar and a lunatic and certainly not God. He is also a front for The way I know this is he removes posts linked to while denying that he does so he is dishonest from the get go. I called him on it and he banned me. is a great site and there is no reason to go through intermediaries in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in terms of cost or selection. Buy directly from or But at least be honest about your business model which is not.

Recently, I posted on the physical attack by Ryan Blackmore and what dishonestly did was leave the headline up How to Handle a Physical Attack of Man Against a Woman on Racquetball League Nights? but then removed the content (post #11 at biblocality forums) placed on their site. He even put up a picture on my profile that I didn't put up, but may give the impression I did when it was the douchebag owner of who did it! Obviously, I would not put up that profile picture which is anti-Christian. I am a Christian, born-again January, 2001. He closed the thread, but not without making it look like I was the one doing the physical attack by posting or permitting links regarding the unethical behavior of the Alberta Racquetball Association, namely Barbara May and John Halko.

As you know Barbara May lied to protect her hide at my expense to cover up her own negligence in 2009. When I exposed her publically the full might and wrath of her vindictive nature came upon me with the help of jealous John Halko. Both are antichrist. I am sure we can all appreciate how evil that is that someone could do something like that. I know I would feel terrible inside if I did that to someone and leave someone banned since 2009 even to this day who is ranked 2nd in Alberta and early last year was ranked 9th in Canada. Due to the banning, I played in tournaments outside of Alberta where I attained those nice rankings so I guess I have Barb and John to thank for that. Their plan to hurt me backfired! All the while, the Mayfield Athletic Club was closed down disbanding the culprits a few months after they somehow got me banned from the club which was totally unprovoked.

We should recognize the common factor in all this: non-Christians or atheists hostile to a Christian so they are abusive in all these different ways and their onslaught continues. It doesn't look like they are going to repent any time soon huh? Christians would never do these things to someone. We would feel guilty and have remorse and seek restitution. Atheists or other non-Christians are not as passive as they would like you to believe. They are quite aggressive against Christians. The morality of a Christian is quite unlike the morality of an atheist or any non-Christian. One is in Christ the other is centered on self.

By removing the real source of this physical attack (Ryan Blackmore who kicked a woman in the face) and misdirecting it on me, it propagates continued abuse against women without ramifications and sins bearing false witness. The owner of is a douchebag.

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