Quote Originally Posted by TheMessianicManic
"if there was an infinite regress you would by that definition have had an eternity to come into being before now, so you should already have happened."

I have already happened from the perspective of the future. Even the future has already happened. Everything in the past present and future exist equally. Things in the past are still happening in the past. Things in the future are already happening in the future and things happening now always have been and always will be happening now.
The future has not already happened that's why it's called the future. Let's have a non-delusional conversation. Existing equally does not suggest something has already happened when it is yet future. What has happened in the past is not still happening for that time has come and gone. Things in the future are not already happening since that future point has not been reached yet. We all know this to be true by observing cause and effect. An effect can't cause the cause -- that would be goofy! You're undergoing a state of delusion in your attempt to reject God. For this Hell has been created.

"If you want to introduce an element that is without time in nature, i.e. timeless nature"

You misunderstand what time is. Time is not movement through entropy states. Time is simply the fact that there are different entropy states. A tenseless universe is not a timeless universe.
You are deluding yourself in trying to change the nature of time. Time is a move through states and observe causation of one event to the next. This is the connection we observe in nature of cause and effect. There is no denying it, no overcoming it, it is an ever pervasive reality.

"all that is meant by this is causation from one time to the next as we observe causation in nature so nature, our universe, requires a cause and could not always have existed."

Yes, we see causation from one time to the next, but we never see causation from "outside time" into time. Such a thing doesn't even make sense. That which is outside of time is outside of causation.
You are suffering from doublespeak because you claim something on a quantum level is without time yet deny the causation to be able to bring timespace into existence. In fact, since nature can't always have existed, the cause outside of nature transcendently brings the functionality of causation into being to create. No other feasible answer avails itself. Call Him the Bringer.

"It is pseudo-science to claim the future already exists"

No, it is relativity. See my video on the subject.


The tenseless view of time is the view that is born out by physics. It is a well established fact.
Relativity says no such thing. Your tenseless view is false because we observe causation. For example, if I were to shake a tree an apple drops. So you can see the tree you are barking up is delusional.

"Outside need not be a spatial orientation, but a frame of reference, that is, not within nature."

It is incoherent to speak of something which exists independent of spacetime. I cannot conceive of a thing as existing without existing in spacetime.
The proof remains unchallenged that if there was an infinite regress of cause and effects, you would have had an eternity to come into being before now, so you should have already happened. Therefore, logically, nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. This is whom and what we call God. Since you are incoherent in addressing this problem let it be the proof of the uncreated Creator the same proof given in Romans 1.20 known long ago even by simple sheep herders. "God is no respecter of persons" (Acts 10.34). In other words, you have no special privilege over them and neither they over you when it comes to the simplicity of proof for God.

"That evidence is cause and effect is never violated, not even in your erroneous imagination of the quantum level."

Show me how causation has any reality at the quantum level.
We observe trillions of cause and effects in nature, and no hard evidence to the contrary, so picking on the quantum level in areas far beyond your understanding seems quite disingenuous.

Since you are going to Hell, I believe God allows you to remain in some warped psychotic state of delusion about cause and effect, and time and space, not much unlike Satan who continues to think he can win the day against his Creator. What a horrific way to live out eternity forever separated from the reasonableness of God.