Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
A hardened heart does not mean total depravity. Don't assume. Have some humility. However much grace God gives it is always sufficient to have the free choice. That's why the Bible can say you are "without excuse." You would have an excuse if you didn't have sufficient grace to have the free choice.

These are your OPINIONS and are NOT supported by scripture! There is NO passage anywhere in the Bible that says God gives EVERYONE sufficient grace to go to Christ and be saved! Quite the contrary, scripture teaches the very opposite.. that NO ONE can go to Christ unless the Father draws.. As far as any using the common grace of God to DO GOOD and SEEK God on his/her own ...THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED.. scripture is clear; there are NONE who seek God and NONE who do good .. NO NOT ONE! If you claim you have sought God on YOUR OWN by the common grace of God.. and made a CHOICE while still in your DEPRAVITY to go to Christ .. you CALL GOD A LIAR!

Romans 3:10-12
“There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none who understands; (who has sought God on their own? )There is none who seeks after God. They have all turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; (who has done good on their own?) There is none who does good, no, not one.”

Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
"The Pharaoh, for example, even after 10 plagues still refused to repent, just as Calvinists refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. You just choose to express your hostility to God of the Bible in a different way than Pharaoh did, but you are both independent and disobedient to His redemptive design."
The scriptures clearly say God hardened the Pharaoh's heart so he would NOT let the people go... that is NOT what I say .. that is what God says.. God did not say He was trying to get Pharaoh to repent.. but foreknew his free choice not to respond.. God says; “When you go back to Egypt, see that you do all those wonders before Pharaoh which I have put in your hand. But I WILL harden his heart, so that he will not let the people go." Exodus 4:21

Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
"You said the "Pharaoh hardening his heart and God hardening the Pharaoh's heart amount to the same thing." Man is not God. Man's hardening is not God's hardening. Man is not a robot. God will harden an already hardened heart or soften according to His good pleasure. Never does God violate man's sovereignty and free will He has given man made in His image. He is relational not a robot maker."
The problem with your theory; is MOST of the passages that refer to Pharaohs heart being hardened; SPECIFICALLY say that it was God who hardened his heart .. those passages CANNOT contradict with the passages that say Pharaoh hardened his own heart.. God hardening the Pharaohs heart.. and Pharaoh hardening his own heart, MUST BOTH BE TRUE, or else scripture is in CONTRADICTION with itself.. Your solution is to focus on ONE passage that says Pharaoh hardened his own heart; and IGNORE the MANY passages that clearly say it was GOD who hardened his heart .. as though they were not there .. or do not mean what they say.. This is VERY dishonest of you.. you are picking and choosing passages that seem to say what you want them to say and ignoring many clear passages.. that contradict what you want to believe..

Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
"Piper was wrong to contradict himself to claim the first active instance was Pharaoh hardening his own heart first since that conflicts with his Calvinistic view that it is his god that is the first cause of the Pharaoh hardening. The Bible says be "not doubletongued" (1 Tim. 3.8)."
But you forget; it is NOT just Piper or myself that teach BOTH that Pharaoh hardened his own heart AND that God hardened his heart.. IT IS GOD HIMSELF WHO TEACHES THIS! Are you accusing God Himself of being "double tongued"?

Exodus 7:3
"And I WILL harden Pharaoh’s heart, and multiply My signs and
My wonders in the land of Egypt."

I did not say this.. nor did Piper say this .. ALMIGHTY GOD said this.. and you are calling GOD HIMSELF A LIAR and claiming He DOES NOT MEAN what He clearly says!

Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
"In God's realm we all have free will that is sufficiently supplied to receive the cross; whereas, in your fantasy land, people were born for Hell or were irresistibly caused and made to accept the cross. This is a demonic teaching of the same principles of Hitler, his treatment of the Jews allegedly born for the gas chambers and irresistibly selected Aryan race."
These are just your emotional ramblings supported not by scripture, but HOW you feel God should be .. so they are NOT even worth a reply! Paul clearly teaches in Romans 9:21 that the Potter (God) has power over the clay to MAKE some vessels (men) for HONOR and some for DISHONOR.. but you refuse to believe what Paul says .. and insist it is not God who makes us one way or the other, BUT US.. which is in blatant contradiction of the scriptures

Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
"God did not choose you -- assuming you still continue to refuse to give your life to Christ -- because He could foresee you as a sovereign free willed being He made in His image and supplied with more than ample grace to accept the cross, yet you still refuse to come as a helpless sinner to receive what Jesus did for you to be regenerated. Your excuses given to you in your cult of Calvinism are a just a front for rejecting God and worshiping a false Christ. Since God pleads with you and implores you to believe in Him, He gives you the choice. How else can He state you are without excuse? Otherwise, all is just a charade and Jesus died for no reason at all, since in your realm people are just irresistibly selected anyway. Sick! What you fail to understand is how God chooses. You just assume He chooses like a robot maker, but you could not be farther from the truth. God chooses those who accept His only begotten Son. Praise the Lord!"
The problem here is .. these are YOUR words.. and you are just assuming because they sound good they must be true.. BUT.. Christ did not say He chose those whom He foreknew would choose Him.. He very clearly says .. YOU DID NOT choose me .. but I chose you! You will not accept this.. but this is what He said! You are calling Christ a liar by saying He chooses those whom He foreknew would choose Him .. because He clearly says; "You DID NOT choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you." John 15:16

If He only FOREKNEW those who would choose Him.. and did not choose them first.. then He LIED when He clearly said "You DID NOT CHOOSE ME but I CHOSE you and appointed you"

YOU ARE CALLING JESUS A LIAR and you HATE what He actually said .. so you try to change what He said ...to try to FORCE Him to be as YOU want Him to be.. which is JUST MAKING AN IDOL,.. you hate the Jesus of scripture with all your heart and being; and WILL NOT EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE HIS WORDS... You will say a Calvinist is of SATAN for quoting Jesus, WORD FOR WORD! Jesus did have a reason for dying.. to save His ELECT! Jesus does NOT even pray for those in the world.. but ONLY for His ELECT whom His Father has GIVEN Him!

John 17:9
“I pray for THEM. I DO NOT pray for the
world but for those whom YOU HAVE GIVEN ME, for they are Yours. "

Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
You're a heretic. And don't falsely accuse Christians come "all on their own," for OSAS Arminians believe that without God's grace none could come to Him (it is sufficient for all). What a great God that He can do this and your god can't! You're confused. I doubt you will ever give your life to Christ. The difference between you and I is that I believe God's grace is sufficient for us all to have the free choice, and you believe salvation has to be irresistibly imposed or denied any opportunity for salvation (preterition). Suffice it to say your god can't do what God of the Bible does, so God trumps your evil god any day. Since you can't find any Scripture to support your view without inserting into the text that which is not explicitly stated, consider yourself delusional and an unregenerate."
The difference between you and I, is I have believed in the true Jesus .. you have accepted an idol jesus of your own making .. I believe what the scriptures say.. you take more stock in your FEELINGS and what YOU feel is right. You are calling the God of the Bible and the Jesus of scripture "an evil god"; because the things you are accusing me of teaching that you claim are heretical .. ARE THE WORDS OF GOD....NOT MY WORDS .. GOD's WORDS!.. You are saying GOD's words are Satanic.. that is what you are doing! YOU are the one who is unregenerate, or else you could NOT believe that man is not totally depraved and totally at enmity with God in his natural state.. YOU are of Satan .. you hate the word of God.. you hate God.. and you LOVE a IDOL you call jesus!

By the way .. was your jesus born on the devils birthday (Dec 25th) and are you getting all ready to honor your false pagan jesus .. with sun god tree idols.. sun god wreaths.. Yule (name of the sun god) logs .. and to get your kids to PRAY to Satan Clause and his demonic elves, for all their carnal worldly desires they COVET after .. and even leave him votive food and drink offerings of cookies and milk, to show what demonic pagan's you have made them?

Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
Calvinism gives off the aura of zombies.
I think you do .. as you are spiritually DEAD to every truth of scripture.. and you hate God with all your heart.. you are the walking dead.. and you could be saved if you would REPENT, but you are so depraved .. filthy and EVIL.. you cannot.. unless God quickens you .. but that is by the ELECTION OF GRACE!