In Iran you go to jail for 8 years for your Christian faith. For the same faith in Alberta, Canada you can get banned for life from the Alberta Racquetball Association or other such venue associated to your particular proclivity. What a shameful world!

I am not sure which is worse really. The latter is underhanded in which the accuser seems far more dishonest with themselves and others because it is under some false pretense, whereas to go to jail for 8 years for being a Christian is straightforward.

There really is no better case than the case for the life, death, burial, resurrection and deity of Jesus. In the Guinness World Records, the lawyer who won 245 cases in a row said just this. And Simon Greenleaf, the most famous lawyer of the 19th century, said the same. Modern day's leading scholar on the resurrection Gary R. Habermas gives the resurrection proof using the Minimal Facts Approach (the Lowest Common Denominator Approach) accepting only data conceded by most skeptical scholars who are accredited and have peer review journal work done on the resurrection claim.