Quote Originally Posted by Alan McDougall View Post
You speak as if you are an expert, which you are not! Take the case of Paul when he was taken into the third heaven. The Jews had stoned him and this stoning always led to the death of the victim. Thus he was taken to the third heaven, where he saw unspeakable things or unexplainable things, he came back like I did , God has not stopped doing miracles in this day and age. King David was a sinner , just like me, so he had to wait in the underworld after he died , and wait there for Jesus to preached to the righteous dead. These people in hell were not in a state of soul sleep, they were conscious and in a place of waiting for the Lord to come to them, that is an indisputable fact. There was also much more to my experience and I did see things that were going on around me, such as observing the monitor flat-lining and going beeeeep even though my brain was completely cut off and incapable of reacting to anything , because my heart had stopped completely and a brain without a blood supply is dead to the outside world.
One doesn't need to be an expert in the field but simply draw from experts and the word of God which shows there are no instances in Scripture of a person seeing loved ones in 3rd heaven presently. Therefore, such concoctions are that of the fleshly such as yourself. Nobody is saying God has stopped doing miracles, nor can we construe Paul's physical attacks as coming back from the dead. Your biggest hurdle is evidence which you have none.

The circumstances surrounding stoning of Paul was not for certain death. You would need to provide evidence for that. Nobody is in Hell. The first person to go to Hell with be the Antichrist at the start of the millennial kingdom. The second person will be the False Prophet. The 3rd being will be Satan at the end of the 1000 years. Nobody has ever gone to Hell yet. Hades is not Hell. Hades is that place of soul sleep. You can't throw Hell into Hell in Rev. 20. But you can throw Hades into Hell.

The Jews even call it Paradise below. Jesus preaching to people in the good side Hades was figurative by the fact He went down there upon His death at the cross, yet they were asleep. Your additional testimony is not supportive to your case because you need to see things that are out of the ordinary that you could not have suspected. You provide nothing.

Like wise I was not dreaming I know the difference between a dream and what I experienced that night ,
Dreams are like wise mostly symbolic or nonsensical in content.
You were dreaming as part of your near death experience. This is God-given, but it is still a dream. Whereas others we can be confident were back from the dead because they reported things they could not have known otherwise. Your stories about gigantic books, pulsating orbs and other silly stuff give it a Alice in Wonderland feel typical of dreams, not in keeping with the Scriptures. In Scripture there are no welcome parties.

I am only here to verify data that you could not have known otherwise. You present nothing. In fact, you admit your story expands in later years as you add more detail that was not originally present. That is very damaging to your testimony.

I don't believe you because of these reasons. If someone gave a 3rd heaven experience, but it was in keeping with Scriptures yet they could not verify anything, I would still accept their testimony. They could still have made it up, but at least I wouldn't condemn them for it. Whereas with you I judge your testimony as being false from 3rd heaven because it doesn't agree with God's word. I gave you the verses already. That must hurt your pride greatly.