Quote Originally Posted by lawrenceb
Since the sacred text further tells us that at his ascension Christ “sat down” (Hebrews 1:3) at the right hand of the Father, we see this “holy place” is definitely associated with the “temple” in heaven. This means that any earthly temple, whether it presently stands, or is rebuilt in the future, can never contain the “holy place” spoken of in Scripture.
"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God" (2 Thess. 2.4). This 3rd Temple will remain unscathed during the Tribulation (Rev. 11.2). Such was not true during 70 AD (Dan. 9.26).

This Antichrist is "that man". He is not a spirit, but a person. He sits where? Not in Jesus. Not in a person, for he is a person. A person can't indwell another person. He is not in heaven. Where then can he be but in the 3rd Temple during the Tribulation?

Is there a temple in heaven? Where? There is the New Jerusalem that will come down, but it has no temple, for when God and the Lamb are the center of the New City on earth there is no need of a temple after the millennial reign.

Sometimes, well usually, I think people who hold your view are anti-semitic because you show a great disdain for the Jews, our little brother. Jesus said how you treat our little brother, He will treat you. Christians see the Temple on earth for Jesus needs a place to reign from for 1000 years, but this is not mutually exclusive of our temple or the temple Jesus was speaking He would raise the 3rd day. God never does things in a jerky fashion but transitions from one dispensation to the next. Jesus even let the Jews continue their sacrifices till 70 AD but not thereafter until the Tribulation. The Sabbath had ended, the Apostles fellowshipped on Sunday, but still managed to find time to go into the Jewish Synagogues on the Sabbath days as well. The millennial reign is a transition from this dispensation of grace to eternity future in the New City. The 1000 years is when Jesus reigns with a "rod of iron". He does not reign with a rod of iron now, nor will He need to do so in the New City and New Earth after the 1000 years. The millennial kingdom is not mutually exclusive of the kingdom of God in spiritual Christians and the kingdom of heaven by our outward conduct. The kingdom of heaven has three aspects: conduct, outward appearance of Christendom (which includes false Christians), and the reigning in the millennial-kingdom-to-come. The kingdom of heaven, reigning in the millennial kingdom, ends in a 1000 years from now, but the kingdom of God continues on in the New City and New Earth thereafter.

Agenda continue to seek to revive the Old Testament system of temples and sacrifices.
Judaism seeks to revive the OT sacrifices. That doesn't mean God is pleased with this. You seem to be under some mistaken assumption that Christians want to reinstitute the animal sacrifices either during the Tribulation or during the millennial reign of Christ on earth. The fact that you argue this which we don't believe in shows you don't get what's going on.

The tacit approval of the Jewish-Supremacists in the Judaeo-Christian “church” that claims the Jews are still the chosen people.
I see your Jewish hatred is hard at work. You would have made a good Nazi. Just as many nations, the sheep nations (good nations) in Matt. 25.31-46, will be preserved so will God's chosen nation which is Israel that will be the center of all nations centered at Jacob's ladder to the heavens. Still though any individual in Israel to be saved must receive Christ. Israel does not disappear as evident they are hear today and the promise has been fulfilled the people of Israel will return to the land. Consider this. Ezekiel's prophecy on his side for 390 days takes us to what month and year? If you add it up it takes us literally to May, 1948. Therefore, there should be no question in your heart, God wants to save the nation of Israel. However, since Israel forsook their covenant, God gave it to the the Church to possess beforehand, before He returns. Only then will a remnant of Israel (Rev. 7.1-8) be saved.

This “abomination” has already occurred many times, but it can still have more manifestations in which the harlot church takes yet another step towards the same heresy.
The Antichrist comes on the "wings of abomination one that make desolate" (Dan. 9.27). Does Jesus ride on the wings of abomination? God forbid NO! God allows the Antichrist, the prince of the Romans, to cause massive destruction and make desolate. Jesus not the Desolator.

"Forces from him shall appear and profane the temple and fortress, and shall take away the continual burnt offering. And they shall set up the abomination that makes desolate" (Dan. 11.31). Forces from a non-Jewish man shall profane the Jewish temple and take away the daily sacrifice. The abomination at the end of this age will be "an image to the beast [Antichrist], which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he [False Prophet] had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed" (Rev. 13.14,15).

-- Brother James
I don't consider you my brother because when the Antichrist is revealed and erects himself in the Temple, you admit you will consider him Jesus since to you there is no Antichrist who will do such a thing.