Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
There are some universally accepted things we put people in jails for because of their sin, so sin is real and denial of it is sinful.
Ummm...we put people in jails because of crimes, thats why we call them criminals.

Different governments around the world have different laws and punishments for those laws. According to you if sin was real we would all have the same laws and punishments for breaking those laws.

...you can't have objective morals without God
Prove it

At one time human sacrifices and throwing children in the mouth of the Molech god was acceptable and other times or dispensations it is not. We could just as easily bring back such practices.
Mabey those people figured out that God is not real, so they didn't need to kill their kids anymore.

Our knowledge of sin, therefore, is not invented by man, but we are made aware of it by the law given to us by God and which is imprinted on our own hearts.
Prove it

The law, and what is written on our own hearts objectively and universally agreed, brings out the fact that we are sinners.
Objectively and universally agreed by who?

For the purposes of the proof, you only need concern yourself with that which we observe and see where it leads
I have not observed God, that leads me to conclude that God does not exist.

The exponential progression of conscience and the counterpart reduction of sin on a per capita basis through the millennia proves God, because we would not still be sinning to the extent we still do if there was an eternity of the past of cause and effects.
Ok give me a per capita crime rate for Mongolia in the 3rd century.