Calvinists such as Boettner insist that "Christ died not for an unorderly mass, but for His people, His Bride, His Church." He argues elsewhere: "For God to have laid the sins of all men on Christ would mean that as regards the lost He would be punishing their sins twice, once in Christ, and then again in them."

It is impossible for Christ to have died for some sins and not for others. Christ had to die for sin itself, the sin which "by one man...entered into the world," and for the death that as a result "passed upon all men" (Rom. 5.12). He had to pay the penalty owed by all. Christ's payment for sin cannot be divided up in order to apply it to individuals. Nor is Christ's "it is finished!" automatically credited to anyone who does not acknowledge his guilt before God, repent, and accept Christ as his Savior.

As a result of Christ's death having paid the full penalty, no one will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire only because of his sins. The doom of those in hell was sealed by each of them rejecting Christ and the salvation He obtained and freely offers to all.

Even if double payment were charged, God could not be charged with injustice-it is the fault of the sinner to not accept the full payment Christ made on his behalf, to involve another payment.