Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
I agree, it is not a coincidence as mormonism and moron have similar origins in lettering. Noticing this observation is discerning of us Christians about mormon-morons who believe Jesus was not uncreated.
You think you have the 'gift of discernment' because you call Mormons morons????

You think that 'Mormon' and 'moron' have similar origins in lettering????

Are you for real???

The obvious question is, Why worship the created?
Why not? The Bible talks about people worshipping the 'created' as being bad. However, it is speaking of worshipping either the things that men make/create, or the earthly things that God has made, thereby replacing God in both cases.

Since believing that Jesus was 'created' doesn't replace God as the object of worship, nor does it make Jesus a man-made creation, where is the problem?

The distinct operations of the Father and the Son do not demand they be different beings. You have shown no reason to think so. This is the characteristic of a mormon to overassume. Hence the name mormon-moron. Don't let Satan rule you, but feel embarrassed by being a mormon so as to bring you to repentance from this assumed belief of different beings and atonement by a created being.

You have once again shown that you don't understand what Jesus was even talking about! Doesn't 'love one another' mean anything to you?

You are certainly free to introduce the new idea God is a number of different beings instead of One personal Uncreated Being, but there needs be evidence for it, to consider it. You would have to overturn monotheism of the OT and the monotheism of the Trinity in the NT. Since what you have provided so far does not help your case, know that you are living a lie.
The scriptures that I previously posted are a basis for my belief. Since you have not addressed them in the slightest, what further burden is there for me to provide more evidence?

The God of the OT is One Uncreated Being. Ask any Jewish person. This did not change in the NT. Therefore, to be humble is to remain in the same view. Separate individuals in the Godhead shows the Father and the Son are distinct, but they are not separate, nor different beings. God the Father is not a person, like people are, but He is the 1st Person of the Godhead. Person is a spiritual term to describe any one of the 3 Persons of the Godhead, and does not mean individuals. Stop trying to understand the Godhead in human terms. You will fail every time you try to do so.
Yet the scriptures give many instances of God being separate individuals!

The Father is greater than Christ (John 14:28)
Stephen saw Christ standing on the right hand of God (Acts 7:55,56)
If Jesus is God, and the Father is God, we can either have 2 beings, or 1 beings (apparently). However, this is clearly addressed in John 17:11, 20-23-
11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are....
20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;
21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:
23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

Thus we see that Jesus speaks of himself as being 'one' with God in spirit, not in 'substance' (which is definately NOT in the scriptures).
Wither regards to John 10:30-
The non-LDS scholar David J. Ellis gives the following explanation in his commentary on John in The International Bible Commentary (ed. F.F. Bruce, Zondervan Publ. House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1986, p. 1249):
I and the Father are one (Gk. hen): The neuter gender rules out any thought of meaning 'one Person.' This is not a comment on the Godhead. Rather, having spoken of the sheep's security in both Himself and the Father, Jesus underlines what He has said by indicating that in action the Father and He can be regarded as a single entity, because their wills are one.
Enduring to the end is unto rewards, not for or loss of eternal life. You see my God has told me by the Holy Spirit that I can never lose eternal life. I can however lose the prize, which is the reward of reigning in the millennial kingdom.
Please provide your evidence for support of 'once saved always saved' belief. You have charged me with not providing any evidence, and yet we find you doing exactly the same.

You see God of the Bible is always greater than your god because He has infinite foreknowledge to know whom to give His life to so that it could never be lost after new birth. Your god is weak, for in his claim of saving at new birth, that life can still be lost.
Actually, you're wrong. Again, you provide no evidence, but that's okay. You claim that 'my' god is weak? however, you fail to understand that the question of whether eternal life can be lost or not has no bearing upon the power of 'my' god. If eternal life is lost, it is because of my actions, not any deficiency of the part of God.

Moreover, your savior is a created being, whereas my Savior is Uncreated. Your ego is attached to an assumed position which you have no basis for.
You should not be talking about 'ego', considering what you have posted.

Since the power of the Atonement rested upon the fact that Jesus was sinless, which I believe, I find your statement to be without any basis.

Don't you know Satan is the head of mormonism?
Reeeeeeally? Gosh! I had no idea.

Christians will always refuse the mormonism view of love, for it is not the love of the Uncreated Lord Jesus Christ.
Huh? The 'mormonism view of love'??

How is that different to the view of love as described in the Bible?

You can see the power God has given me
No, I can't.

you-a moron mormon man.
I believe that you are probably quite sincere, which is admirable. But you have serious flaws in the way you understand and practice the fundamental basics of Christianity.