Quote Originally Posted by seanHayden
If you’re sinful nature is not you’re fault, then why repent?
The reason you repent is because the human race is responsible for its choices it makes. The human race began with Adam and so all men and women are born into sin which causes us to sin. We don't repent of being born into sin, but of sinning. You don't have to repent for Adam's sin, for he is responsible for his own sin. You do have to repent though for not accepting salvation from sin that you commit. It's a beautiful redemptive design.
More importantly, if you’re sinful nature is not you’re fault, how can you repent?
Your sinful nature is now your own, but not because you made it, but because you are given it when you were physically born. That is not your fault you were born, it is your fault if you don't receive salvation, because remember, you have a spirit of God-consciousness and are without excuse for not receiving God's love.
God is Justice; can He not separate the inequity of one person from that of another?
He separates the inequity of one person from another by requiring each person to receive the salvation. Therefore, Adam's sin causing you to be born into sin, you are not blamed for being born into sin by Adam, only in not receiving salvation.
I think that what God told Cain is absolutely true, and wasn’t Cain the son of Adam?
Cain was told by God that he needs to give right offering to be saved. Just as Adam was disobedient, so was Cain. They both chose hell of their own accord. Cain was never blamed for being born of his father; he is to be judged for refusing salvation which is why he murdered.
Didn’t God tell Cain, although sin is waiting for you, you can master it?
No. God never said he could master it, for only God has the power to provide deliverance; thus, Cain was suppose to give right offering (free-will offering), but refused to. Abel gave right offering.
God didn’t tell Cain, you are a sinner because your father sinned and therefore you are destined to sin; no, He told Cain, although sin is an option and you maybe tempted by it, you can master it!
Yes, God told Cain that he was a sinner because his father is a sinner, so that is why God said He needed a right offering, because all that is born of the flesh is flesh.

What you are promoting is mastering sin by self-strength, but don't realize you don't have the power to master sin. This is called salvation by works and is delusional. A sinner can't save himself. Anyone who is of the flesh sins. There are no exceptions. Only by right offering (coming to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior) can grace enter to receive power over sin.
Also after the flood, God doesn’t say He won’t destroy the world again because people are born to sin. He says that people desire sin even from their youth, meaning that although they could choose not to sin, they are weak and choose to sin.
God never destroyed the world at Noah's flood; it was a local flood. In Genesis 1:2 though He did flood the whole world because of the sin of the inhabitants of Earth's earliest ages.

The reason God caused the local flood was not because we are all born into sin, for this is already a fact known at Gen. 6:3 as evident by sin leads to death and all flesh must die. We are all born of the flesh.

The reason for the flood was because the level of sin reached such proportions it was the only possible remedy in those days; the reason why the flood won't happen again is because of God's grace by the work of the cross has entered, and the veil is now rent.
The flesh doesn’t make you sin. This is why we repent, because although we can master sin, we are weak or don’t love God, and choose not to master sin.
The flesh is the sin of the body and the self of the soul in its selfishness. If you are born this way, then you cannot avoid sinning, and this is proven by the fact that not a single person in human history has not sinned. No exceptions!

The flesh makes you sin. You are compelled to sin. God therefore treats the flesh as it truly is: it must die! It cannot be reformed or refined or beautified. It is utterly corruptible and it only has one place-its very destruction!

We can not master sin! What we can do is let God's life work in us to render sin powerless by the grace of God. We repent firstly to come to the cross to receive God's gift of eternal life so that our spirit is quickened by the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit may come through the window of our conscience to indwell our new life.

If you don't go through this first stage to enter the new creation to receive eternal life today, then your attempt to master sin is vain and pretentious. The reason you choose to not overcome so that sin is not your master is because you seek to be the master which is refusing God's perfect salvation, starting with your denying original sin. If you don't accept original sin, it is your master. Sin has the nasty habit of going dormant only to resurface because the sinner did not let the cross deal with it according to God's design.
In my understanding, the whole concept of original sin is flawed.
When you try to understand with your corrupted mind, you will reach nefarious conclusions. You will need to give up your soul in order to gain it.