General Relativity explains how light and gravity move at the same speed through ripples in space-time. All things in General Relativity have a cause and effect according to Einstein.

By combining General Relativity with Electro Magnetism you create a GEM of truth. Gravity is influenced by ripples and Electro Magnetism repels. The force of the latter is much stronger than the former.

With EM (which is explained in 4 simple formulas) combined with the Strong Force (how the nucleus is held together by protons and neutrons) and the Weak Force (dissipation), you have entered into Quantum Mechanics. A nuclear explosion can happen by breaking apart the Strong force. This is where fission and fusion occurs.

In Quantum Mechanics there are just probabilities. Christian professors say yes, from what we can see, we can only observe probabilities, but that does not mean a cause and effect is not in place to generate those probabilities. Just like a deck of cards will produce probabilities in a shuffle, it doesn't mean there isn't a cause why the next card up is an Ace, for example. It is because of all the causes in the shuffle that particular results arise, except they are so subtle we don't recognize them. God shuffled beforehand. He knows the outcome. I love that God makes it impossible for us to find all the causes from God's decision to create to our creation, even predestinate by foreknowing our free-choice made in His image.

Like a dog that looks up at you while you are try to explain certain mathematical laws, we look up at God with the same inability to comprehend some things. Einstein gave up, because he refused to accept the idea that all things don't have a cause and effect-he realized there is something lacking in quantum mechanics. I think he had the right idea. At some point, you have to come to the cross to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior because still, even in quantum mechanics, all things have a cause and effect like that deck of cards. This is not to say quantum mechanics is wrong. Definitely there are probabilities and outcomes, but that is not to say there were not causes for those outcomes. All apparently random things have causes. If you can only see on the surface, you see only randomness. Look a little deeper and the cause reveals itself.

Non-ironically, atheist/agnostics who try to use quantum mechanics to disprove God, bite themselves in the foot because in Quantum mechanics, it is says for a certain experiment there could be 1000 possibilities, except we don't know with certainty the outcome of any one of those events. We can only assign probabilities to them. But who put in place those probabilities and those 1000 options? God did it. Quantum Physics actually predicts resurrection.

The Unifying Theory requires a combined GQ theory. So string theory was devised. All things are made up of strings and different vibrations produce different effects. And inside strings are quarks, so on and so forth. But no matter how far you go, you still have the question to ask, what is a quark made up of, and what made up that which comprised the quark?

God did it! And He is not going to tell you everything He did to create you in His image.

Praise the Lord!