I turned 50 in 2017 so I thought I would check out my racquetball ranking in Canada. The overall ranking I am at is 27th for active and non-active players which puts me at 22nd in Canada for active players. The closest player ranked behind me in the 50+ category is Jean Nolet who is 58th in Canada to my 27th. So I am ranked #1 in Canada 50+ by a wide margin even though I have been banned from Racquetball Canada since 2016.

I was banned from Alberta sanctioned tournaments since 2009 and still to this day courtesy of John Halko and Barbara May. They are no longer on the board of Alberta Racquetball. Perhaps that was God's will in the end because of their abusive behavior. To keep the story short, in 2009 Barbara May (administrator for Alberta Racquetball) lied to protect her hide at my expense to cover up her own negligence, so when I publically exposed her, she convened the board of Alberta Racquetball to ban me from playing in Alberta sanctioned tournaments since 2009. I played 30 tournaments in Canada from 2012 to 2015 (except for Alberta) and got to as high as 9th in Canada in 2013 at the age of 46 despite their every effort to ban me from Racquetball Canada. That all changed though after they sent in at least a half a dozen frivolous complaint letters over the years (which I extensively documented on the Internet) to Racquetball Canada all without any substance. But Racquetball Canada finally caved in in 2016.

You have to understand what is really going on here is I have given the gospel of salvation to Halko and Barb and others (not a single member of the Alberta Racquetball board is a Christian). They are all atheists back in 2009 as well as today. They know that I know they are going to Hell according to the Bible because they are too selfish to repent to the cross as helpless sinners to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior. Just like the Apostles were martyred for their eyewitness testimony seeing Jesus alive from the dead, I am martyred also. The hostility from non-Christians is seen in how they treat us Christians.

The other element of this is odd things John Halko has said over the years that show he is jealous of me at racquetball and was taking out on me by banning me from sanctioned tournaments. For example, he said after I lost a match to Danny Tarrabain, "now you are one of us."

"For love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire,
which hath a most vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it:
if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be despised" (Song of Songs 8.6-7).

I am told by a previous president of Edmonton Racquetball, if Alberta Racquetball was conducting itself properly they would put in a request to Racquetball Canada to lift the banning, but they for some reason are not willing to.

I've been playing racquetball off and on since I was 14 years old and never had a problem till Barbara May and John Halko got weird on me in 2009. However, I was getting increasingly strange behavior against me since I became a Christian in January 2001. In July at the Klondike 2001, I lost to Kane Waselenchuk in the finals 11-8. After I gave glory to God for playing well, Cam Bourque's wife came up to me and said I should keep my faith silent. I thought we were to spread the gospel not conceal it? That was the year Kane won his 3rd Nationals and his first IRT pro stop in Chicago. At the time I didn't even realize Kane had won the Nationals, had already played 5 IRT pro stops or would go on to win his first IRT pro stop in his 6th time on the IRT. I was in and out of racquetball again at that point. The previous year in the Klondike final in 2000 I also took Kane to the tiebreaker. I was 34 years old in 2001 and Kane was almost 20. How time flies!

In 1985 I won the Alberta Juniors and the free flight and hotel to the first Canadian Junior Nationals, beating Jason Ully (21-3, 21-17), but Alberta Racquetball forgot to enter me into the team event but only the individual event. My thumb had a blister which was very painful, and I could barely hold my racquet that weekend.
If that didn't happen I would have won the Canadian Juniors I am fairly certain.

But that is beside the point. I have never received an official apology from Alberta Racquetball for their negligence. So after the Junior Nationals I quit racquetball for several years and got my Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Alberta instead.

I know that Jeff Buller is the president of Racquetball Alberta, and there might be some jealousy going on there as well, because Jeff Buller lost to me at the Nationals in 2015 by a score of 15-9, 15-8. He is unwilling to petition Racquetball Canada to lift the ban from sanctioned tournaments. And last time Halko and I played he lost 15-5, 15-4. His sidekick Al Bauman who is a terrible person for his comments, called me a "piece of shit" because I exposed his unethical behavior for maintaining a ban on me when he was a board member of Alberta Racquetball. But it seems to be God's will, as a result, he is no longer on the Alberta Racquetball board. He lost to me 15-0, 15-3 last time we played. Some things you never forget!

They are not very gracious losers. Cam Bourque has never beaten me. He challenged me to a fight outside after some disputed call when playing him at the Mayfield Club. Manny Gregorio who is hostile also has never beaten me. If these atheists can't beat you at racquetball they will try to impugn your character. Seems a bit aggressive if you ask me! I came back to racquetball in 2012 after quitting in 2009 and 2001 before that because of disgust with how cruel people can be sometimes. Think how obnoxious Manny, Barry Ould, and Cam Bourque are, because Manny in 2012 came into the court I was practicing on and said they will not play racquetball with me unless I apologize to them. I asked Manny, what was I suppose to apologize for? He had no answer. He was just being a dick. I continued to press him on this, and he belligerently evaded the question. Anyway, why would I want to play Manny who is in his 60s or Barry who is in his 80's, or Cam who is going to be 60 soon since they don't give me a game at all?

Whether it is the partners in crime Halko and May, or Halko and Al, or Many and Barry Ould, you can see these atheists are not very nice people. Barry came up to me very angrily one day and said, "You are not allowed to talk about Christianity at racquetball."

All of this is very unethical as you can imagine, but I see God's higher purpose which shows how atheists treat Christians which will lead people to Christ. My prayer is this leads people to Christ because people recognize they don't want to associate with this abusive behavior by atheists in how they treat Christians. If you have a false ideology it degrades your morality. This will be remembered as I have documented it extensively on the Internet.

There is always a silver lining or blessing. I would never have considered this before, but I plan on playing in the World Seniors in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to win the 50+ division 5 years in a row beginning in 2018. Apparently no Canadian has ever won their division at the World Seniors in its 33 year history. I plan on winning the 50+ at the US Open as well. I don't imagine I would have been motivated to do this if it wasn't for my abusers John Halko, Barbara May and whomever comprised the 3 person panel at Racquetball Canada. I think two of the members were Terry Nelson and Jack McBride.

Jack McBride in 2012 at the Mayfield Club said to me "out of the blue" that he was a Christian. So I asked him, Do you believe Jesus is God? He said no! So then I said, "You are not a Christian." At that point he got irate with me, and he has had a hard on for me ever since. He's been trying to stick it to me ever since. He should leave his religious views, and his false Christ, out of any decision to ban or not ban me from Racquetball Canada.

This is only the tip of the iceberg for the weirdness I have observed and endured. Should I talk about how John Halko physically attacked Manny Gregorio punching him in the stomach because Manny was getting under his skin during a match. Cam Bourque cheats on his wife with a woman I slept with also, so I get lots of retaliation for pointing out this fact after Cam emailed dozens of people calling me a fanatic for my faith. That is not very tolerant. Who is the fanatic I proposed? The adulterer trying to cover up his sin or the Christian who holds the adulterer accountable? Halko and May even got the manager of the Mayfield Club in 2012 to ban me from the club after I was playing there several months. Within a month of being kicked out of the Mayfield Club for no reason other than the whim of May and Halko, word was given the club would be permanently closed down and turned into hotel rooms. Darryl Thomas, a fellow brother in Christ, who plays racquetball suggested that this judgment came upon the players to disband Halko, Manny, Ould, Bourque, McBride and Bauman because of their evil. They had to resort to playing in the dungeons of the Kinsmen Sports Centre. Even now with the new LA Fitness recently built, the Operations Manager is considering turning the 3 racquetball courts into hot yoga. That remains to be seen. I play at GARC in Sherwood Park instead which has 4 racquetball courts and 2 squash courts and has several players to play that are 20 to 30 years younger than the above mentioned atheists. For example, they beat they can beat all of the atheists mentioned above. It's funny that Halko and May have not tried to ban me from GARC yet they got me banned from the Mayfield. How about some consistency?

The Holy Spirit put on my heart to say that those 3 courts at LA Fitness will be closed down IF they continue not to repent.
How merciful God has been waiting for their repentance. But He won't wait forever. He is longsuffering not wanting any to perish. Though this verse is applicable to Christians to grow in the faith, it nonetheless has some application to non-believers that God wants to save and not perish.

"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward,
not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." (2 Pet. 3.9)

I can write so extensively by the Holy Spirit about this because I am in the right and they are not.

I would feel guilty if I treated someone this way but those pointed out don't have a conscience to feel the same. They don't treat others as they would like to be treated. No matter what issues someone might have, it does not justify banning someone as many people have pointed out to me. So most people are on my side. Don't think just because I am banned that it is justified. Though these atheists hold some vain position of power and lord themselves over me, they are accountable to God whether they realize it or not. I definitely have a right to defend myself. At the end of the day all the atheist is trying to do is exalt his flesh above a Christian, because he knows the God of the Bible is sending that atheist to Hell. There is no surer way to go to Hell than by being an atheist, lost in your sins, and remaining unforgiven.

This applies to all non-Christians not just atheists. Only Christians and Old Testament saints and those that would accept the God of the Bible if presented are chosen before the foundations of the world.

If you were to ask existing board members of Alberta Racquetball or Racquetball Canada, or previous board members, why I am banned, nobody would give you a straight answer because they really don't know. So you know more is going on here which has to do with faith to leave someone banned for life. I have asked, and nobody gives me a straight answer either verbally or in writing since that fated day Barbara May lied to protect hide at my expense to cover up her own negligence in 2009.

It is a sad state on the human condition that nobody has the courage to stand up for what's right. Or the worse thing is to do nothing when evil is taking place -- the inaction of the RC and AR. This is a form of abuse. I've always known since 2009 that justice would not be forthcoming so that is why I document it online extensively and for the sake of posterity.

Praise the Lord for this discernment! Amen.

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