The most famous atheist our generation finds "mild pedophilia" acceptable.

Atheists are tweaking with pedophilia blurring lines,

I reiterate my “plea” to atheists

Michael Ruse and I do agree on one thing. Once the atheist realizes that all of his noble moral principles are nothing more than subjective feelings – “no more than liking or not liking spinach” – then “pretty quickly it would break down…very quickly there would be no morality.” Actually, it’s not that there would be “no” morality. It’s just that the moral values would change according to societal whim.

I repeat my original plea to atheists:

“The choices before us are clear: we will either seek a transcendent moral law to which we will all submit, or we will seek our own personal and societal indulgence. If we turn to God in our quest to create a moral and just world, we have a fighting chance; if not, we are doomed to spiral into the man-made hell of the human jungle.”

Atheism stands for nothing, signifies nothing, and affirms nothing except for one thing: All the moral aspirations of the advanced primate we call a human being are nothing more than a cosmic joke….and not a very funny one at that.