I don't understand why there is not a bounty on high ranking participants in the drug business. For example, the government will pay you a certain amount if you kill a named leader of a drug ring. This could open up a whole new industry - killing drug dealers. The cost to the government would be far less than trying to police it all. The immediate personnel of the drug lord go for another price, and all the way down the line, different payouts are giving depending on the person's level of responsibility in the business. The government would establish by the courts their guilty verdict before they are captured or killed. Posting a Wanted Dead or Alive poster is only posted on the Internet once that person does not show up in court to defend himself and it is proven in court. That person has a right to defend himself in court before the Wanted Dead or Alive poster is posted on the Internet. They are contacted ahead of time to be given this option.

The only way to beat those in the drug business is to kill them like it was in the wild wild west. Dead or alive. Double the price if you capture them alive to deliver them to the US government or whichever government provides the bounty. We are not allowed to torture them, but we can execute them. Firing squads should do just fine as many bullets as it takes. Hanging seems a bit cruel to me. So would gassing, crucifixion and throwing them into a vat of boiling oil. Drugging them so they die peacefully would not be right either. Let them die by the bullet. The bullet is their business model, so let them receive one bullet in the abdomen so they don't die immediately. If they are still alive after 3 hours, shoot them in the gut again. That seems just. Generate advertising revenue on a tv channel to promote the business of killing drug dealers. I believe this is God's will because the damage that exists today and wasted resources on fighting drug dealers is very inefficient. It's time to get real!