The reason why I don't like how William Lane Craig puts it is because he assumes something begins to exist and he assumes that which begins to exist must have a cause. The approach I take is not to just self-declare what he claims, but to show how and why nature began to exist and why it must have a cause. Do you see the difference? Craig has his assumptions. I have none.

Incidentally Craig is not a Christian because he believes he can lose salvation tomorrow which is salvation by works (he is Wesleyan not Arminian). The Bible says we are not saved by works lest anyone should boast and those who are born-again "they shall never perish" (John 10.28). Therefore, Craig has given his life to a false Christ and he exalts himself, priding himself on his own strength to be saved. He is lost. His faith is like trying to keep the law to be saved. Since nobody can keep the law, to try to live by the lie to be saved you will die by the law and die in your sins. Therefore, Craig is going to Hell, because he refuses to give his life to the God who keeps to be kept. Instead, he is like a marriage partner in a bad marriage with one foot out the door at all times and a prenuptial always ready in hand. William Lane Craig is going to Hell. The Holy Spirit told me he will never give his life to Christ. Furthermore, I have never met anyone as old as William Lane Craig who ever gave their life to Christ at such a late stage. You should be aware of what is going on here. Satan is ever so deceitful in creating a counterfeit salvation so many have entered into, e.g. Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Lutherans, Methodists, etc. which make up the vast majority of Christendom. I have told you this so you don't end up like Craig and the Roman Catholics.

You don't even have to go to the proof of intelligence requires intelligence because a multi-verse if it is existed needs a cause since it can't come from nothing (that which does not exist can't cause anything). Nor could it always have existed, because you would have happened already, having had an eternity to do so. And you would never have existed because a past eternity (that which a multiverse would be part of) would still be going on forever, never to reach this point.