What will be the climax? There will be an ecumenical coming together of the great harlot of religious Rome (Revelation 17) unto gibberish babble utterances by a marriage of Pentecostalism (ie Montanism) and the Roman Church Charismatics, called the Third Wave Movement. By an easy yoke, True Christians avoid such antics.

At the return of Christ, He shall destroy it all (in the first half of Tribulation) by allowing Satan to demolish it (for it is, if only, in name in Christ), followed by the destruction of political Rome (chapter 18) in the secound half of Tribulation when Christ's appearance says it is done. No more will money be used in business. People will have to learn to do without it. That puts an end to financial instutitions and lending money. Presently people can't fathom the teaching in the Word that money is the ROOT OF ALL EVIL, not just some evil.

What an amazingly different world it will be when Christ reigns on Earth in Person from the Temple in Jerusalem. I can't wait! And I do seek after the prize to escape the hour of trial of the Tribulation and to be included in the millennial reign if I am accounted worthy for being watchful and ready, keeping the word of His patience.