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Thread: Star Trek: The Motion Picture

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    Default Star Trek: The Motion Picture

    I loved the first movie that came out for Star Trek. Decker is like Christ who died on the cross for the Jews under the law ("V'Ger") and for the Gentiles. V'Ger request that her creator come in Person as does Christ break into creation. She finds her Creator doesn't respond, just as NASA did not respond to her.

    However, man tried to by his own works discover the truth, when Spock tried to go to the source by his own strength. This would be the subplot.

    The code transmitted is like the law of the Old Testament, for it must agree with the Christ (the Creator). Christ comes to fill up the law (Matt. 5.17): Decker fulfills the full code: the only one who is able to do so. V'Ger under the law, now can be one with Decker (V'Ger is willing to die on the cross with Decker) and now can be under the Spirit of the law instead, for the veil is rent (Decker has died in the flesh).

    The corporate Christ is now one with Christ. The new name revealed is Voyager or the commencement of the Church even before Christ died on the cross as you recall the name of Voyager was revealed before Decker died. What is interesting is Voyager is named Voyager 6 which is the number of Satan. Satan's number is always less than God's number for His Church. 7 stands for temporary perfection as in the 7 church periods (Rev. 2 & 3). God's number is 3: Holy Trinity: Father, Son, Spirit.

    Christ by dying on the cross, Satan is prevented from operating in the flesh, since the flesh has died on the cross with Christ. Though Satan can cause the martyrdom in the Church and much destruction in the world, he can't cause one to lose their salvation. V'Ger tried to destroy God's creation (Earth), but he could not because V'Ger wanted the information of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The Borg was born-out of rejecting this salvation given by the Creator (Decker).

    The reason this movie is twisted is because if the Borg grow out the union of V'Ger and Decker, that is like saying the union of Christ and the body of Christ (the Church) will be the cause of the Antichrist in the coming Great Tribulation. However, in one sense this is true though, because it is the Church that presses Satan to the point where he knows his time is short so fallen Lucifer brings forth the Antichrist who was restrained by Satan until his back was finally up against the wall and had no choice. Satan is the great restrainer (2 Thess. 2.6-7). The Church, when we get organized under Biblical locality, cause the Restrainer to retaliate with nuclear weapons killing 1/3 of the people of the earth (Rev. 9.18) over oil in the middle east with a 200 million machine army (v.16) after a large percentage of the population have the implant under their skin (Rev. 13.16).

    In Star Trek the Motion Picture, the mark represents each of the borg zombies controlled by their various cyborg implants. The Borg were the most dangerous force in Stark Trek. The cube of the Borg tries to create a horrible facsimile of the size of the new city in eternity future which is 1379 x 1379 x 1379 miles (Rev. 21). The spiritual reality of our own universe is that the facsimile that the actual Antichrist (Nero resurrected) was actually in the Pyramids (before the first Adamic man), and during the Great Tribulation the Antichrist will rule from the temple desecrated in Jerusalem. You see the Antichrist will copy himself much more exactingly than the Borg ever could. That's the danger is that many just won't think the evil is actually evil. This is what the Antichrist will seek to achieve. The nations of the world will agree with him.

    These movie makers know exactly what they are doing for they know the Bible well. This movie is also twisted since man is not God. Decker is not God.

    How did the borg end up being destroyed? Christ comes with power of His words to reign in the millennial kingdom in Person. If you are an overcomer in Christ, you will return to reign with Him in the millennial kingdom (Rev. 20.2-7).

    In 2271 an unknown, cloud-like entity descends upon several Klingon vessels and destroys them. Having monitored the surprise attack, Federation space station Epsilon IX is still unable to prevent itself from becoming the next victim of this vast, mysterious energy cloud.

    Meanwhile, on Vulcan, Spock is preparing to undergo the rite of Kolinahr — the achievement of total Vulcan logic — and the purging of all remaining emotion. Just then Spock's human half stirs in response to the cloud entity, interrupting his meditation and forcing the Vulcan masters to withdraw Spock's admission to their ranks.

    On Earth, the U.S.S. Enterprise is readying to investigate the cloud entity. Admiral Nogura is persuaded by Admiral James T. Kirk to hand over command of the newly refit Starship Enterprise to him, superseding the vessel's present captain, Will Decker, who is unhappy with this new situation. Arriving on board the Enterprise, Kirk requests that Dr. Leonard McCoy, retired now, be recalled into service as the starship's doctor. An unchanged, blustery Dr. McCoy comes aboard and replaces Dr. Christine Chapel, who steps down out of respect. Also on board is a Deltan navigator, Ilia, who in the past was romantically involved with Will Decker.

    In a tragic accident, two crew members are killed in a transporter malfunction — one of which was the new Vulcan science officer, Sonak.

    The accident behind them, Kirk gathers much of the crew together to deliver a mission briefing, stressing the enormous power of the entity they are faced with. After a relatively uneventful departure from Earth's drydock facilities, the U.S.S. Enterprise is suddenly faced with a giant wormhole and Kirk, unfamiliar with the design of the new vessel, almost allows the wormhole to destroy the ship. The U.S.S. Enterprise escapes, however, and is hailed by a courier vessel bearing Kirk's new science officer. Overcome with joy at seeing Spock, Kirk is soon confronted with a cold, withdrawn stranger.

    The starship eventually encounters the cloud-like being, yet the entity proves to be too strong, damaging the U.S.S. Enterprise on all levels and leaving the starship stricken. When Spock attempts to communicate with the cloud by sending messages of non-aggression, a probe is triggered and sent from the center of the cloud. The crew can only watch helplessly as the probe accesses the U.S.S. Enterprise's consoles and computers, accumulating data from all parts of the ship. In his attempt to stop the violation, Spock is attacked, whereupon the probe vanishes with Ilia.

    The U.S.S. Enterprise is then seized by a tractor beam and pulled inside the cloud to a large chamber. Another probe, in the form of Ilia, appears and tells them that it has been sent by "V'Ger" to study the carbon-based units that "infest" the starship. Furthermore, the crew learns that V'Ger is on its way to Earth to join with its "Creator."

    In an attempt to establish contact with V'Ger, Kirk trades on Decker's past association with Ilia and assigns Decker to work with the probe. The Ilia-probe tells him that the carbon-units will be patterned for data storage.

    Deciding that the best method of gathering more data about V'Ger is directly from the source, Spock dons a thruster suit and leaves the ship.

    His incredible visual journey to the center of the cloud culminates when Spock sees images of everything that V'Ger has experienced. Spock tries to mind-meld with the life-form, but is short-circuited and barely makes it back to the U.S.S. Enterprise. Taken to sickbay, Spock informs Kirk that his mind-meld did allow him to learn that V'Ger is lonely and seeking to learn why it was created. Furthermore, it is learned that a machine planet built the cloud and craft that house V'Ger.

    V'Ger arrives at Earth and signals its Creator. When there is no response, V'Ger blasts energy bolts at the planet in an attempt to rid it of all its carbon infestations. Forced to act, Kirk tells V'Ger he knows why the Creator has not answered. The Ilia-probe, interested by Kirk's remark, says it will cease its attack when Kirk explains. But Kirk replies he will answer to no one but V'Ger itself. With some trepidation, Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Decker are lead by the Ilia-probe outside the ship to the "brain" of V'Ger. At the center of the chamber, the Starfleet officers are surprised to discover that V'Ger is in reality a twentieth century Earth robot space probe. In fact, a mounted plaque looks as though it reads "Voyager VI."

    Kirk and his crew discover that the probe disappeared into a black hole and emerged at the other end, crash landing on a planet inhabited by living machines. After repairing the probe, the machines then followed its programming — observe and transmit readings to NASA. Spock deduces that these living machines interpreted those long-ago orders as "Learn all that is learnable and return that information to the Creator."

    When the U.S.S. Enterprise transmits old Voyager codes, the V'Ger transmits all of its information. Then, unexpectedly, V'Ger insists that the Creator come in person to finish the sequence. When he realizes that V'Ger wants to physically merge with its Creator, Will Decker volunteers.

    Decker and Ilia join together and merge into a glowing, non-corporeal entity, which disappears.

    The U.S.S. Enterprise crew humbly realize that a new life form has just been created. The experience has left Spock more at peace with himself and he decides not to return to Vulcan. Kirk has command of his beloved U.S.S. Enterprise and McCoy is back in charge of sickbay.

    Having witnessed events suggesting that "the human adventure is just beginning," Kirk commands the starship out to space for a real shakedown cruise and future missions.

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    V'Ger's Voyager 6 programming was true to its form to come back to the source which was earth to receive its confirmation code and find its Savior (NASA is like the Father, Derek the Son), as was the case where the Jews were under the law and sought the Messiah who would be able to fulfill the code (Matt. 5.17), because He is the Creator, the only one able to do so. God the Father Spoke, the Son created and the Spirit quickens and renews.

    Assimilating only became the nature of V'Ger once certain members of V'Ger refused the sacrifice of the Savior Derek, and would break off as the Borg through the knowledge of the Word in Derek (as is the case with Satan who will use the Antichrist to abuse God's Word for his selfish gain). The early church believed the Antichrist (Borg queen) would come from the sphere of the operations of the church because this spiritual knowledge is needed, even though it is used wrongly.

    Who then is the False Prophet who speaks for the one that was to have died and resuscitates as the Queen (the 8th) in making an abomination of desolation of her that could speak. Perhaps Picard would be the false prophet who would speak for the queen when he was captured. But remember, Derek is going to return with Power to stop the Antichrist and the False Prophet and cast them into perdition forever; thus commences the millennial reign of Derek.

    We can assume that certain members of V'Ger may have refused dying on the cross with Derek to form the Borg. For example think of when V'Ger wanted to destroy earth. This is like the Pharisees and the Sadducees of Israel wanting to kill Jesus, but some Jews were saved and did believe. The 12 Apostles were all Jews (the Zion of Earth in Stark Trek) and the Federation of nations would the gentiles. For example, Paul was a Pharisee who killed Christians and wanted to destroy, but he ended up miraculously giving his life to Christ. This was most unexpected. Paul was the most learned person who was taught under the most honored rabbi in the first century with so much knowledge like V'Ger (see Acts 22.3) and had the voice of moderation (5.34). Some might say Paul's conscience was pricked because of the knowledge that He know Jesus is Lord.

    Paul could have just as easily refused Derek and turned into the Borg because Paul was the wisest of the wise before being saved. It is not surprising he wrote most of the NT books.

    Ask yourself this: When was Voyager 6 sent out? The Voyager Series began in th 20th century, not the 21st century. Voyager began before the earliest known history of the Borg. Was it before your earliest known date for the origins of the Borg? If so, you might consider the formation of the Borg came from the broken off parts of V'Ger that did not want to accept it's new name Voyager. Voyager may have been sent in the early part of the 20th century before 2063.

    It's interesting to note that the original name was Voyager, but only through the fall of man did it become corrupted with the name of V'Ger. You can see why the law was needed in the OT because of the fall of man. Through the law we know sin, and through the knowledge of sin, the name could be revealed again, but this time the name of Voyager is stronger because it is not merely made in the image of God, in the Garden of the Eden, but now it becomes made in the image of Derek the Son when they unite in the same death as one so that V'Ger becomes the body of Derek, the corporate Derek, and Derek remains the personal Christ who will return in the Tribulation to defeat the Borg and begin the millennial reign of Derek.

    Those that will reign will be all those in the universe that overcome in Him, and Earth becomes the center of all nations again from which Derek will reign. Nice movie plot eh for a new Star Trek Series. You can send me the royalties. Realize in this new Series, there is still sin in the millennium. The only difference is that Derek reigns with an Iron Rod (mentioned 3 times in Revelation), and people can't get away with as much as they were able to before, nor do they want to sin so egregiously.

    The movie that comes out after that is when the millennium ends and the dragon of the borg (the ultimate cause of the borg) is let loose out of the pit for one last revolt (Rev. 20.7-10); then, the new city in the new earth commences.

    You heard it hear first.

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    The Borg did not create V'Ger as there are no known contact records in V'Ger's database about the existence of Borg. Wow!

    My only question then becomes who is the dragon (Satan) of the borg who receive the implant under the skin like those minions of the Antichrist in our reality today? Who is this Satan working behind the scenes in Stark Trek? Would it not be Gene Rodenberry with all his eastern religion affilation? One Trekkie writes,

    "Gene Roddenberry would turn over in his grave (if he had one) if he heard this interpretation of this movie. ?Roddenberry was much more influenced by eastern philosophies (his marriage to Majel Barrett, for example, was a Shinto-Buddhist ceremony), and he would've been the last person to write Biblical philosophy into a movie [unless to defame Christianity]. Indeed, the first movie he pitched to Paramount in the 1970s involved Kirk and crew meeting a powerful energy being who claimed to be Jesus Christ, and the Enterprise ended up destroying it; the movie ended with Kirk pondering the idea that humankind had evolved beyond the need for religion and the idea of God."

    And hence, the originator of the Stark Trek series tries to kill Christ and claim no need for redemption of God's saving grace.

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    The Borg did not create V'Ger as there are no known contact records in V'Ger's database about the existence of Borg. Wow!

    My only question then becomes who is the dragon (Satan) of the borg who receive the implant under the skin like those minions of the Antichrist in our reality today? Who is this Satan working behind the scenes in Stark Trek? Would it not be Gene Roddenberry with all his eastern religion affilation? One Trekkie writes,

    "Gene Roddenberry would turn over in his grave (if he had one) if he heard this interpretation of this movie. Roddenberry was much more influenced by eastern philosophies (his marriage to Majel Barrett, for example, was a Shinto-Buddhist ceremony), and he would've been the last person to write Biblical philosophy into a movie [unless to defame Christianity]. Indeed, the first movie he pitched to Paramount in the 1970s involved Kirk and crew meeting a powerful energy being who claimed to be Jesus Christ, and the Enterprise ended up destroying it; the movie ended with Kirk pondering the idea that humankind had evolved beyond the need for religion and the idea of God."

    And hence, the originator of the Stark Trek series tries to kill Christ and claim no need for redemption of God's saving grace, the free gift of salvation and eternal life.

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