
I am new here. I have to admit that I don't understand and agree with everything that this site has to say, but I know that there is a lot of truth in what you say. I am not perfect, I have a lot to learn, so I desire to learn.

The church has become Corporate Church. It is a Corporation, a company. Through the Societies Act in Canada, churches have charitable status. If they, in the basic sense, do what the governent tells them, they keep their charitable status. They don't have to pay taxes and they can issue tax receipts.

However I have seen this as a stumbling block. People are afraid to move past the constitution of the church (a constitution is neccessary to be incorporated as a charitable organization). The constitution calls for congregational rule of the church. In other words, there is a "board of directors". A chairman, treasuer, secretary, directors, etc. People seem to be held up by the fact that if they moved past this system to the beautiful one set up in Acts, the simple, the true church commisioned by the Holy Spirit. It is as if money has a hold on them. If they could move past the whole money issue, and push on through to deeper truth and fellowship, focus more on the word of God and on the person of Christ, they would experience a much deeper fellowship with other believers and with Christ.

Yet they are held up by this stupid societies act. The Government of Canada doesn't have a huge amount of control, it is subtle. But sutle control is still control. And it is control if it takes precidence over the person of Jesus and His will for His Church.

I don't agree with denominationalism. God did not create denominations, these divisions are the works of man. I had to think to understand your "Biblocality" idea. I don't understand the need for the buzz word, but essentially that is the truth. I never thought of it from the perspective that the only divisions in the time of the Apostles was location. And that is true.

The world is a mess. And the church is in the world. The world is also, unfortunately, infecting the church. Do you realize in order to become a pastor you have to go through the same amount of schooling as you would if you wished to become a priest? Protestants spend so much time bashing Catholics, without realizing that the very things that they disagree and argue with Catholics about they are becoming.

Am I right on all these things? This is my convicton at the moment. I am a sinner of sinners, and I am human. So there is no doubt that I can err and be decieved. How do you know if you are decieved when you are decieved? You are decieved! So for anyone to say they have the corner on truth is to lie. No one knows all truth except for the Truth, Christ Jesus, my Saviour.