Let us hear you end-time view and give the reason why.

What God has shown me is the blessing of Rev. 1.3, partial or separate rapture which says, and proven in the Word of God, that if you have kept the Word of His patience (Rev. 3.10), which not all Christians do, to escape the "Hour of trial" itself (not just trial), you may be ready to be received "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9); that is, before the trumpets of the Tribulation (in Revelation 8) begin, and be "accounted worthy" to "escape these things which are to come to pass" (Luke 21.36) of the Great Tribulation.

The reason why overcomers are received at first rapture is because they need not go through the time of testing, since there is nothing to test. They are overcomers, and thus, ready to be received to the throne before the Tribulation commences. On the other hand, Christians who are still behaving and living fleshly or carnally, will need to go through further testing in the Tribulation, even unto martyrdom.

Praise the Lord for this discernment!