I would go on various forums in Christendom and found my posts and nickname would get removed. The reason was because I believe in Partial Rapture a first rapture according to readiness (Rev. 3.10, Luke 21.36). This does not fit peoples' preconceived notions of the most commonly held views of end-times, so they do not know how to handle me. The Holy Spirit leads me to bring together pre+post and remove the dissension between pre- and post-only views. In a way, I become everyone's enemy because I have the blessing of Rev. 1.3. There is a spirit of jealousy and darkness in understanding what really in my opinion is so simple for these verses are conditional statements. Check out, for example, Matt. 24.40-41,42. The first rapture takes place at Rev. 7.9 "before the throne" before the trumpets of the Tribulation commence (8.7ff). If you don't believe in partial rapture you will totally not understand Revelation as was intended.

The same goes for OSAS Arminian (Rom. 8.29, Gen. 1.27, John 3.16). Non-OSASers are Remonstrants who rejected Arminius' view. They all love to argue along with Calvinists, but they don't know how to handle me, since I am OSAS Arminian just like Jacob Arminius the least popular view.

The problem continues as most take exception to Gap Restoration (Gen. 1.2). This is such an unpopular view, yet the only one that explains why day 2 was not a good day and explains why there was killing even to begin with millions of years ago. Sadly though few hath an ear to hear.

A great many in the largest systems of Christendom don't even accept Our Being Tripartite and the dividing of our spirit, soul and body (Heb. 4.12, 1 Thess. 5.23). So they don't know how to handle me. I am a foreigner in my own land. A little flock.

The Holy Spirit has led me to abide in Biblical locality (Acts 14.23, 1 Cor. 10.13, Tit. 1.5) also, where the Apostles for a region of churches are directly commissioned by God to appoint Elders of a locality, and those Elders approve Elders of meeting places within the locality. The many denoms ("I of Cephas" or "I of Apollos"), non-denoms ("I of Christ"), and ecumenical multi-denoms ("I of Cephas and I of Apollos") would have you believe in a hierarchy of many levels more than the three established in Scripture. Or they will expand their regional power beyond more than what is reasonable for the number of churches. We need to stop exalting independency and the independent congregationalism, mega-church, puny church, etc. Locality is what God is after, the very unit of the Church which is training ground for the millennial kingdom of how to be properly organized. Sorry, no Pope of the planet is permissible in the Church. No Archdiocese of a continent are going to be accepted.

The Lord has shown me that a Meeting Place Finder for the Body of Christ is needed to confront these problems. Using Google Maps with vBulletin forums, this makes for an excellent fit to find Apostles to come together in agreement to ask of ourselves a certain number of questions, appoint Elders of a locality, and reclaim the first love that was lost in the first century (Rev. 2.1-11).

May Apostles throughout the world find Biblocality.com, come together in agreement, agree upon these questions for Apostles and Elders and record their region of churches and localities and meeting places on the Meeting Place Finder so Christians can find fellowship with correct teaching. Praise the Lord! Amen.