Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was an Islamic scholar and got his PHD in Islamic studies. He knew the Koran as well as anyone. I think he was being true to the Koran, where the general Muslim public are not being true to the the Koran. If you were true to the Koran you would declare Jihad and kill Christians. So how do Muslims balance this act? I think many choose instead not to kill us, but rather discriminate against us in various ways, or shun us, or privately mock us. I can sense their prayerful mocking sessions.

In the OT where Jews were told to kill for breaking certain laws that was particular to the laws of ancient Israel; they are not for us today. But in the Koran there is no such transition since it was written 600 AD so the killing continues in Islam and justifies suicide mass murderers. Muhammad was a monster and mass murderer so is it any wonder that his followers were also?