My Letter to the Oregon Board

I sent this message to you Angie and Troy. Let the rest of the board know please.

Not playing at the Cascade Athletic Club for the Oregon Regional in Gresham anymore because they did not set the draw up properly. Instead of placing the top two ranked players at the top of each side of the pool play, they put those top two players on one side of the pool play with me. The top two players, therefore, were guaranteed to go into the draw assuming I couldn't beat either of them (yet).

I believe I would have been 2nd on my side of the draw if they placed only one of those top two players on my side as Brian Ancheta, the manager of the club was suppose to do according to the ranking system. I tried to explain this to him but it did not help.

Someone spoke to me in confidence (so I can't give his name) that this sort of thing happened to him. He complained to the board a few years ago he said, and that the Oregon board has done this quite often in the past to favor their own players in terms of seating. He suggested I send an email, as he has done in the past, which I am doing now. Hopefully that doesn't happen again.