Group Think

"1 Do not spread false reports.
Do not help a guilty person by being a malicious witness.
2 Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong.
When you give testimony in a lawsuit,
do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd" (Ex. 23.1,2).

I went for a stretch and sauna on Thursday, Aug. 23, 2018 at 8:30 p.m. I thought the players would be done by then. Erik Youngson hasn't played on a Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday apparently in over 2 years at least to my knowledge (we tried many times to get him out to play on Tuesday but he would not bite), but he was there Thursday.

Once Christians call out the abusive behavior, as before about another group of atheists at L.A. Fitness, they tend to congregate and try to muster some sense of comradery against the Christian to console each other for their misgivings, because they certainly won't repent of mistreatment, and they certainly won't apologize to the Christian for their unkind words, discrimination and actions. Using racquetball as a weapon, with such limited number of players to play, is really ugly to me. They can't just play racquetball, they have to bring religion and their false world-view into it, as a determiner whether to play the Christian or not so as to lord over him.

Atheists won't repent, nor will Muslims, when they do something wrong and we in Christ try to hold them accountable, particularly when their onslaught is against the believer. What else can they do? Therefore, they must put on this pretentious side show of unity. This typical unrighteous defense mechanism kicks in; self-exaltation is behind it all. I've seen it before and it is happening again.

The Muslim is off the hook if he remains aloof and doesn't tell people what he really thinks; whereas the Bible teaches us to spread the gospel to the nations for this is the love of Christ to save everyone whosoever is willing. I can't find anywhere in the Bible it says to the effect: "spread the gospel but don't play a person at a sport due to differences in beliefs." If anyone should not be playing anyone based on their beliefs, the Christian should not be playing the Atheist and Muslim for their immorality. Atheists and Agnostics are just downright sinister because they believe you will just cease to exist after you rape, murder and pillage. Your punishment is no greater than for anyone else.

If the Apostles were Open racquetball players playing Atheist and Muslim C players, I am sure they would encounter the same problem. After all, the Apostles were put to death for their eyewitness testimony they documented in writing seeing Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings.

Unless the Christian stomached Khalil's abusiveness without responding in return (verbally), he doesn't play me. How can anyone think this is morally just? Hence, the need to document it for posterity-sake. Steve Dyck has only ever played me if Khalil played. Steve threatened me with not playing if I ever mentioned Jesus again. These are not very nice people. Evil people! and Erik Youngson passively and mindlessly is subject to group think for he has played just once in 6 months and no one else besides me, but now all of a sudden, he is playing Khalil at 9:00 p.m. on Thursdays. Funny! He told me many times the only time he can play are on Saturday mornings, not during the week.

Praise the Lord for this discernment! Amen.