
In Mormonism, correct me if I am wrong, there is the belief that there was an eternity of the past of gods creating gods.

The question then occurs to me, if there was an eternity of the past of gods creating gods, does that not indicate we had an eternity to come into being before now so we should have already happened? We could pose the same question to atheists also because they believe in infinite regress of nature too.

I am trying to think this through logically. As I understand it Mary was the mother of Jesus, but Mary was also the daughter of God the Father.
Who procreated with Mary to give birth to Jesus if it wasn't her Father?

Quote Originally Posted by Jane_Doe
This is a big subject, but I'm to try to keep my answer short here. If you want any elaboration, feel free to ask.
LDS believe in ONE God. This ONE God consist of multiple persons, such as the Father and Son. They are ONE God through unity: they have ONE NE perfect love, will, grace, mercy, justice, etc. The Son always acts perfectly with the will of the Father. If a person was to heed the promptings of the Spirit, they're also heeding the promptings of the Father. The mercy of the Father is the same mercy of the Son. To honor the Father is to also honor the Son-- you just physically can't honor or obey the Son without also honoring and obeying the Father. The Father, Son, and Spirit are ONE. Different persons, but ONE God.
Now, zooming in to talk about us: we are children of God. It is the Father's greatest joy to see His children grow up to be like Him, and following His ways is the deepest expression of love each of us can do. He wants us each to share in His perfect love, perfect grace, mercy, justice, etc. He wants us to be one with Him-- in fact that's the entire purpose of this earth and Christ's sacrifice, that we may be one even as the Father and Son all (see John 17). At the end of the day, this still makes ONE God as described above. Here are two links discussing this more in depth: https://www.lds.org/topics/becoming-like-god?lang=eng https://www.lds.org/scriptures/tg/ma...eavenly-father

Touching on other subjects:
-In the above, I talked about our future as children of God. There is also the subject of the past before the creation of the earth. LDS have no doctrinal statements on "past gods creating gods" or anything about that past. There are a few speculative quotes on the subject though (speculation being a very different thing than scriptural doctrinal statements).
-Unlike Creedal Christians, LDS also believe that every person has always exist. Not as we are now, but you & I did have a spirit that lived before this earth was created.

Again, feel free to ask for any more elaboration.
So you change the 3 Persons (Persons as supernatural terminology, not in human terms) in Christianity, the Triune Godhead, into 3 persons. You change God the uncreated Creator who is One Being into 3 beings. Not only did these 3 beings always exist but so did every other human being as some spirit entities or intelligences. My issue with that is I feel no humility in claiming I always existed. But I sense the reverence in my spirit towards a God who created me whence there was nothing but God alone and no gods before him, after him, or beside him.

In Christianity the Trinity creates the big bang 13.8 billion years ago. Do you hold the same view at least in terms of the 3 persons creating the big bang 13.8 billion years ago?

God the Father gives birth to Jesus by accessing Jesus' spirit intelligence or entity or whatever you call it. Is that really giving birth though if you are accessing some spirit matter to produce Jesus? The physical birth of mortal men means they never existed before in any form.

“Christ was Begotten by an immortal Father in the same way that mortal men are begotten by mortal fathers ” (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 1966, p. 547). If so then their spirits could not always have existed.

Wouldn't it be better to receive atonement on the cross from the sole uncreated Creator for nothing can be greater and we don't ad hoc add in other beings that always existed also.