Quote Originally Posted by Jack McBride
I hate to tell you but you have the wrong guy. The only time we discussed religion is when you asked me if I was a Christian and I replied I was an RC. You have probably asked so many people you are confused. As I said. I was brought up in a catholic orphanage. I was even an alter boy and sang in the choir. I’m afraid you have me mixed up with someone else.
It's amazing how accurate our memories are when it is an important event. You said to me in front of the glass court, spontaneously I might add, "I am a Christian" because you knew I was a vocal Christian. As I usually do, to verify, I asked, "Do you believe Jesus is God?" You said very clearly in no uncertain terms, "No!" So naturally I said, "
You are not a Christian."

From the beginning and every time I wrote about it, never once did I ever write down you said were a RC since that never came into the conversation.

Even if you add RC into the mix that doesn't change the context since you still reject Jesus is God. Talking about Mormons or RCC or FSM doesn't change that.

Even now you can't say "Jesus is God" because you don't believe He is God. Roman Catholics claim Jesus is God so when you claim you are a Roman Catholic, obviously, you're confused.

Being an alter boy doesn't mean you are saved nor even necessarily that you are a RC. You have to believe Jesus is God and that He died for our sins and the Trinity for you to be a Christian.

It's like this. When you go back and look at every copy of the Bible since the earliest papyri in the 1st century, you can see the same thing was said back then as the latest Bible versions present now.

In the same way, you can go back to my comments literally to the day after you made your comment and it has never changed -- saved for posterity so you can't start a revisionist claim.

That happened in 2012 and it is 2018 now so you never challenged the claim until now. But it doesn't even matter anyway because you still reject Jesus is God. Do you know how I can say you do not believe Jesus is God, how I came up with that? You told me.

You're a liar and this is the evidence. It's like someone coming along 2000 years later and saying Jesus never said this or that. It was recorded in the 1st century soon after it happened, the 2nd century, and every century since then.