You know what's weird about these atheists on the board of Alberta Racquetball, is you ask them why was I banned in 2009 and why am I still banned and they are all dead silent. They don't respond. All this time they have never given a reason. Weird eh?

It's like an atheist cult hostile to Christians.

I put the question straight to Mitch Brayley several times and he doesn't respond. That's really quite rude.

I know I wouldn't treat someone that way. He responds with other comments about other things he wants to talk about, but he doesn't address me about being banned. Why is he behaving so strangely? He doesn't know. Is he not in control of his faculties? Is he being controlled by the evil spirit in his inner man?

I am the only Christian in the racquetball community in Edmonton that I am aware of. It's like they are trying to kill out the last of us like a dying breed. Though I recall God speaking to Isaiah when Isaiah couldn't find any more believers, and God said there are 7000 more.

Praise the Lord!