
In this video you did, several times you said Calvinists are saved and they are saved even though you also said they have another gospel. This is a contradiction to me because there is only one gospel first delivered unto the saints. Even you admit, though I disagree, nobody taught Calvinism prior to some later century. For example, I don't believe Augustine was born-again. James White is going to Hell and so is Matt J. Slick and R.C. Sproul and John Piper.

So what immediately comes to mind with your liberal ecumenical stance, is are you saved? I have the same problem with Leighton Flowers as well since he holds your similar positions. Others agree with me Calvinists are not saved.

It creates a problem as well because if you affirm someone is saved who clearly is not then you assist in that person in not being saved because the worse thing is to think you are saved when you are not. What do you need to repent of then? What need is there for you to rebuke your false Christ for the true Jesus who saves truly? Satan has done his job.

I believe the reason you take this position is because if you say Calvinists are not saved then you ostracize yourself and reduce your opportunities in life.