William Lane Craig doesn't believe you are saved, because you are Modalist. Of course Craig is not saved since he thinks he can lose salvation tomorrow.

William said, "By keep the Persons of the Trinity straight and in order will have practical importance for our devotional Christian lives. Jesus said to pray to the Father through the Son by the Holy Spirit."

Though we have a spirit, soul and body which may appear at times to be 3 distinct persons in us, of course we only have 1 will. But the Godhead of 3 Persons has 3 wills. Craig said, "when it comes to God these Persons are much more fully transacted in God."

The Son of God is not the imminent logos in the Father's mind, but the very logos Who always was the 2nd Person in the Godhead. The word become flesh, not the word became Jesus. The word already was Jesus.

"I will tell of the decree: The LORD said to me, “You are my Son; today I have begotten you" (Ps. 2.7).

"Begotten indicates a definite point in time-the point at which conception takes place. By definition the begetter (Father) always must come before the begotten (Offspring). There must be a time when the begetter exists and the begotten is not yet in existence...", "So the words begotten and Son each contradict the word eternal as applied to the Son of God." Quoting the phrase from Heb.1:5-6 in reference to time, "The Son was begotten on a specific day in time; there was a time when the Son did not exist;" If this is so then there was a time when the Father did not exist either, because to be called a Father means one has a Son. Modalism doesn't make sense.

Subordination is for the purpose of engaging humanity, but there was no subordination before creation.

Dynamic monarchianism (1 person) is where God entered Jesus like God can enter all of us so Jesus is called God. Whereas Modalism monarchianism (still 1 person) is God manifests himself in three emanations of Himself (overlapping). Sabellianism is another name for Modalism or Patripassianism and is simultaneous not consecutive/successive. Sequential modalism is God flipping between modes but never in two modes at once (non-overlapping). Trimanifestation is simultaneous Modalism which is really emanations of God otherwise known as Pantheism as the ripples of water producing outwardly from himself.

The 3 Persons of the Godhead are 1 Substance, simply to mean, one thing: God. The 3 Persons in the Trinity are distinct but NOT separate.

Modalism is really just masquerading and role playing as Jesus goes up to the Father, changes His clothes and comes back as the Holy Spirit. Funny! At the baptism of Jesus where the Father speaks and the Holy Spirit descends like a dove on Jesus, Jesus has to be a really good ventriloquist.