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Thread: Erwin Lutzer is Very Sympathetic to Calvinists which is Why He is not a Christian

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    Default Erwin Lutzer is Very Sympathetic to Calvinists which is Why He is not a Christian

    On Total depravity Erwin Lutzer said man is dead so that must mean Total depravity. Actually no. God has given us all sufficient grace to have the free choice (prevenient grace) so you can't be Totally depraved. That's why God pleads with us to do this and that, and not to do this or that.

    On unconditional election, Erwin sympathizes by saying a person who was saved was chosen before the foundations of the world. He misunderstands God predestines by foreknowing our free choice. Predestine is just a word equivalent to putting a stamp of approval on a system.

    On limited atonement, Erwin accuses Jesus in dying for all to mean some form of universalism. It's only universalism if you presuppose people don't have the free choice to receive what Jesus did. Lutz is unthinking.

    On irresistible grace, Erwin suggest that while you temporally will resist things now, the Holy Spirit eventually will grab you. That to me seems like selective free will, not really free will at all. He says God draws to mean irresistibly drags. No! Draw means to draw, plead and convince. Not everyone drawn comes.

    On "perseverance of the saints", Erwin fails to point out "perseverance" is a work. Their god forces the saint to persevere so they always remain saved. A Christian can't lose eternal life, but Calvinism is wrong in stating the man who is saved was irresistibly made to persevere to keep saved. That's works to keep saved. OSAS Arminians teach, rather, preservation of the saints.

    This verse not only shows the Trinity but Erwin uses it for Calvinism. In actuality it shows the opposite of Calvinism. "How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?" (Heb. 9.14) Purges whose conscience? Those who accept Christ. Not everyone is purged. It is so much implied that it need not be stated for it is speaking to believers.

    Erwin said that God works in the person to make them believe so that is still free will. No it's not. That's a contradiction.

    All that the Father give to Me, shall come is not a statement for Calvinism, but a statement that the Father doesn't give everyone, since not everyone accepts.

    Erwin read Bondage of the Will by Luther which Dave Hunt picked apart. Erwin said it took his breath away. That is a self-proclamation of being a Calvinist as I ever heard. Erwin said, "Luther taught Calvinism more than Calvin ever did." Another accolade for Calvinism. Erwin says Calvinism vs. [OSAS] Arminian should not be a dividing line, but that is a 100% contradiction because they are two different gospels. Did not Paul say don't accept the gospel that was not once and first delivered unto the saints?

    Erwin said we are on the precipice of mystery. No! It's pretty simple. Jesus died for all so that even Erwin Lutzer can understand and is accountable. While on the one hand he defends Calvinism, on the other he says it doesn't matter. That's a contradiction and lazy, frankly. Satan is the author of confusion.

    Erwin said for his own children that if they heard the gospel fully and in enough context they would believe so for that reason he thinks his children are saved even though they reject Him now. The reality is they have had enough time in their life to give their lives to Christ and will likely never accept Christ.

    That's funny, in his closing comments he uses this verse to support Calvinism. "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world" (Rev. 13.8). God foreseeing who would believe is what God sees before the foundation of the world. So Erwin has inserted into the text his presuppositional view of Calvinism and irresistibly forced salvation. As Dave Hunt would say, What Love is That?

    If God were to ask me if I thought Erwin Lutzer was a Christian I would have to say NO! because he is unwilling to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated (Calvinism or Satan prevents him from doing so), rejecting the gospel of salvation Jesus died on the cross for all.

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    Lutzer defends Calvinism on all points which is a false gospel not first delivered unto the saints. The Bible says in order to be regenerated (born-again, new birth, substitution, co-death, receive eternal life and the Holy Spirt) you need to repent and believe in Christ. That's OSAS Arminian.

    Whereas Lutzer says you can't repent and believe unless God irresistibly gives you the Holy Spirit to make you repent and believe so that you must be regenerated before you can repent and believe.

    Does it not stand to reason then no matter what, these are two different gospels. One leads to having to assume you were irresistibly selected so you did not have to nor could you repent and believe to be regenerated. The other is OSAS Arminian which says Jesus died for all (unlimited atonement) not just for some (limited atonement). And grace is resistible not irresistible; election is conditional not unconditional.

    And isn't it odd instead of preservation of the saints (OSAS Arminian), Calvinists teach works based perseverance of the saints. They are irresistibly forced to persevere to keep saved. Sounds like works to me, irresistibly imposed.

    In Calvinism people are born for Hell with no opportunity for salvation (called preterition) and the Calvinist prides himself on this that he is not one of those. It's just evil. Lutzer even defended Calvin killing Servetus who was an Anabaptist. Servetus wasn't a Christian, for he was a non-Trinitarian, but he shouldn't be killed for that. He didn't consider himself to be an Anabaptist but he was.

    The Jews were born for the gas chambers with no opportunity of escape just like reprobates in Calvinism are given no opportunity for salvation. Hitler's Aryan race are irresistibly selected just like Calvinists claim they are as well.

    If Calvinists are saved I would rather go to Hell, because apparently it is not a sin to be a Calvinist then.

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