I went into Superstore today and made a harmless comment. I said to the teller, the day before Ramadan, I don't think Ramadan is true fasting, because Muslims gorge in the morning, snack at lunch, and gorge in the evening, and they call that fasting. That's why some people make fun of Ramadan as OPPOSITE MONTH.

I said to her that I will show people what true Biblical fasting is. I went 32 hours without any food on Friday and Saturday.

Then she called me a racist and wouldn't serve me. She said to go to another till. I don't know if she was a Muslim, but her skin was brown. I've She could be Indian (from India). I've never met any Caucasian Muslims so based on that alone Muslims are racist. She was not willing to serve me for a few minutes at our standoff. I was prepared to call the Manager over and let him know that his teller was being racist towards me and would not serve me since I am a Christian. But the teller finally served me.

I told the teller she was being self-righteous and racist towards me because she said she won't serve me based on my faith as a Christian. Christians believe Ramadan is unrighteous and unholy, and Muhammad is going to Hell since he rejects Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world. Salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast. And the reason why studies show Muslims consume twice as much food during Ramadan is because the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Muslims really have no control over their flesh because they are not willing to die on the cross with Christ. Thus, they lack true discipline.

Whereas Christians have power over sin because we have died on the cross so Satan can't work through that which has died from the old creation. They don't even accept Jesus is God and died on the cross for the sins of the world. They don't even believe Jesus died on the cross. You can't come along six centuries with no evidence in a cave all by yourself and claim Jesus didn't die on the cross. That's absurd!

Of the 17 non-Christian sources for Jesus within 150 years of His death, 12 of them speak of His death, 7 of His deity and 12 of His resurrection. We have a total of 45 sources for Jesus and almost all of them speak of His death on the cross. 24 of them speak of His resurrection.