I wanted to capture this experience quickly soon after in words to give an accurate account of what happened and preserve it for posterity. Al gave me lots of material to write about. I forgot to thank him. This response is commensurate with the garbage coming out of Bauman.

Sunday afternoon, near the end of the 2017 Alberta Closed racquetball tournament in Sherwood Park, Alberta, I decide to go into the sauna at GARC because I played 6 games the day before across town at L.A. Fitness in Edmonton. I was sore from playing Darryl Thomas. After an hour in the sauna I went to the change room. After my shower to get to my locker I had to walk past Allen Bauman. I looked at him then after an extended stare between us, I said "Hi" as Christians are apt to do. We are very friendly despite any differences. After all, if Jesus can forgive us, we can forgive our enemies.

Allen said to me, "You don't have a right to say hi to me." How obnoxious, self-absorbed and self-righteous a person needs to be to make a comment like that. I responded by saying, "That's not very nice. You're not a very nice person are you?" He really had something he wanted to get off his chest. I noticed he is no longer on the board of the Alberta Racquetball Association. Is he blaming me for that? Is he still pissed the last time we played I beat him 15-3, 15-0? That's the best he can do then accept it.

He just doesn't want to let it go so he is proud of still banning me even though he has no legitimate reason for doing so. He doesn't know why he is acting the way he does like he is possessed. I told him, "You should let it go. I'm not the one who banned you, you banned me, and you don't even know why." I know why. He knows that I know that he is going to Hell because he rejects Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Religious discrimination is wrong.

No matter how uncomfortable it may make us feel, we should stand up for what's right in life at all costs as it draws others to the Lord. For Christians that is our reward. Don't kowtow to atheists lording over us.

I told him, "I have a right to defend myself and document it against abusive behavior." When he stops being abusive then I will gladly stop writing about his abusive behavior. Banning someone falsely is wrong. I told him, "I didn't do anything wrong, I just exposed Barbara May for lying to protect her hide at my expense to cover up her own negligence" back in 2009. This doesn't warrant banning me. Action should be taken against Barb, not me. Al said, he'd still ban me if he could because I am still writing. Whereas I am still writing because he is still banning. The immorality started with Barb, Halko, Bourque, Bauman, and McBride. Al is not thinking right. He has the cart before the horse. He has to stop being unethical. Once he stops being unethical then I have no unethical behavior to expose him on. He has to repent of his wrong doing and set things right. That is God's will. Al is fighting God's will. Al may think he can escape God's judgment and wrath, but he is only fooling himself.

His vitriol was palpable you cold almost see the steam coming out of his ears and nostrils. Then he motioned to physically attack me. He came right up to me ready to fight while I was completely naked. He's a coward or a homosexual or both. I said to him, "You are showing your true colors what kind of person you really are by doing that." He immediately then backed off because I put him on the spot. Tom witnessed Al's antics. The words the Holy Spirit gave me to speak were powerful and effective preventing a naked physical confrontation. lol. When Al wants a fight at least have the courtesy to let me put my clothes on.

Al looks for any angle to exalt himself. He said he doesn't write about me to which I replied, why would he? I didn't ban him, he banned me. Again, he is confused. He puts the cart before the horse. See how twisted man's flesh is in its thinking! Exposing injustice is what I am doing. What is Al doing but blowing smoke? And John Halko and Barbara May are writing about me, for they have sent close to a dozen complaint letters to Racquetball Canada which I have documented and commented on to show it is all garbage and an attempt to misdirect and cover up Barbara May's misdeeds.

Then Al, said, "You Christians are a piece of work. You think you are the only righteous person out there." Christians are righteous in God's eyes because we are His "little flock" (Luke 12.32). He does not see us as sinners anymore. Only those in Christ are considered righteous. The unrighteous reject Christ. I told him, "The real reason for your hostility is that you know I am a Christian and according to the Bible you are going to Hell." Al doesn't understand we were all sinners and salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast. We are all born into sin, and we all need salvation. We can't redeem ourselves. Unless God does something we are lost. We would all go to Hell. Therefore, Jesus said, Whosever believes in Me will not perish (go to Hell) but receives everlasting life. Allen Bauman is relying on his confused self-righteousness which is just as corrupt as ever, cannot be fixed, refined, and can never please or reconcile him with God. The only verdict is death to his old man. He must be willing to die on the cross with Christ selflessly. He simply does not have the humility needed to repent to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior and Creator of all things. The curious question is why? Because he is unwilling to search God out with all his heart and soul that's why he doesn't find God. He cares more for the things of the world than Jesus who created all things.

After all that Al just kept repeating the phrase in great anger like a zombie, "You are a piece of shit." To which I replied, "No, Al, you are the piece of shit. You're a bad guy!" But I said, "I forgive you and I will keep on forgiving you. We love our enemies" even though they are being evil towards us, for they know not what they do. It's interesting I have to keep enduring this abusive rhetoric and nothing is done by RC, the ARA or ERA. Sounds like a doublestandard which is unethical in my books.

Two people, each thinks the other is a piece of shit, but really the only one here that is the piece of shit is Allen Bauman. Is it a piece of shit to call Jesus and the Apostles liars? Al is playing on the losing team. Satan loses in the Bible. Two different consciences. One with the evil spirit indwelling, the other has the Holy Spirit. One points to self and the other points to Christ. One points to himself as the center of all things with his immoral self-preservation and the other points all things in Christ. I am glad I am the latter and not the former. Praise the Lord!

People may not see clearly what's going on here because they don't have all the details, they are just not concerned, or they prefer to rationalize their flesh (e.g. Al Bauman) come hell or highwater. What is happening though, make no mistake, is that the longer I am banned from Racquetball Canada (since 2016) and the Alberta Racquetball Association (since 2009), people will question this cruel and unusual punishment and realize, ultimately, it is a scourging and martyring of a Christian. Those complicit should feel disgusted with themselves to allow this to continue (or to have occurred in the first place, e.g. Jerry Slamko, Jamie Brayley, John Halko). This has been a great way to get the gospel of salvation out, because what God wants you to do is question your world-view. How can you change otherwise? What better way to do that than see how the world treats true blue born-again Christians. I was born-again January, 2001. I can no longer become like Al Bauman because I am once-saved-always-saved (John 10.28), but Al may one day be my brother in Christ. We can only pray! Let us continue to pray for Al Bauman.