Report posts with the at the bottom left of a post which gets submitted to the Infractions & Reporting forum, only visible to Moderators and Apostles. Super Moderators and Moderators of that forum, get an email of the report.

Clicking on the button at the bottom left of a post allows Moderators (all Moderators should be Apostles) to give an Infraction to members. Moderators can also given an Infraction on a person's Profile page (not post specific). A thread is created in the Infractions & Reporting forum with an explanation for the Infraction. Both the user and the Moderator's name are given in the thread created. A private Administrative Note that members do not see can be given. The post is quoted and a link to the post itself is provided. And a Private Message is sent to the User explaining the Infraction.

Moderators can receive Infractions from Super Moderators.

Infractions - Temporarily Banned

If the user reaches 3 points of Infractions, then he is banned until enough Infractions wear off to return to the status of Regular Member. A Temporarily Banned member cannot use private messages other than to receive the Infraction notice.

Banned for a Month

Reaching 5 points a user is automatically banned for a month at which point the Moderators can decide to remove the user if warranted especially if there are repeated occurrences.

The Various Infractions

The user will receive extended expiration times if given a second infraction that matches an existing active infraction. For example, a user is given an infraction for spamming posts that expires in 10 days. Three days later this user is given another spamming posts infraction. Since the user already had an active spamming posts infraction, this new infraction's expiration time is added to the time remaining from the previous infraction, so 10-3+10=17 days remaining for the second infraction. In this example, a third spamming posts infraction given the same day as the 2nd infraction above would put on 27 days for the 3rd infraction (17+10) in addition to invoking a temporary ban that would last for 7 days until the 1st infraction wore off. Fun eh? This is my favorite infraction because it lasts longer when a person repeats the same mistake with the same belligerent and obstinate attitude.

Each Infraction is worth 1 point and lasts for 10 days. There are several rule violations.

Members can see their total Infraction points in their Settings and in My Profile and dates when they expire.

Regular members cannot see other member's Infractions. Only Moderators can see the Infractions on the user's Profile page and in posts: "Infractions: a/b (c)". a = warnings; b = number of infractions remaining; c = total remaining infractions points.