Every century or so Calvinism has a short resurgence but then fades away again. For example, Calvinism was all the rave under Hitler when Hitler taught that his irresistibly selected Aryan race were the chosen ones and the Jews were born for the gas chambers without any opportunity for salvation.

By the end of WW II people came to their senses and realized Hitler's Calvinism was wrong, but it took such devastation from WW I an WW II to finally appreciate this. Hitler was the most famous Calvinist in human history, but his fate is the fate of all Calvinists eventually.

Whenever you have psychotic Calvinistic episodes and feel like doing violence to Rom. 9 just go back to WW II and remember the leader of the Calvinist movement consistent with that murderous Protestant Pope of Geneva John Calvin. If we forget the past we are doomed to repeat it.

Hitler was just a more advanced Calvinist than most Calvinists, more advanced than Augustine, Luther, Calvin and Spurgeon. He walked the walk and talked the talk. Forgive me if I don't mention all the popular guru Calvinist names out there today spewing the same garbage.