Dear Calvinist,

What I find most evil about Calvinism is the duplicity. Let me explain.

The way you [Calvinist] describe your god is that he irresistibly imposes salvation on some and others let's them wallow without any grace. In other words, at no point in their lives did they have any opportunity to be saved. So they were literally born for Hell. Not only that but your god made them way (ultimately he did because they were made for Hell). It is not the person's fault he was born into sin, but it is his fault if he doesn't receive the solution to his condition which is the cross. If he is not given prevenient grace to have the free choice to accept what Jesus did then the blame lies in your evil god. Because you [Calvinist] can't sense this is evil I know you are not born-again and that you are going to Hell if you remain as you are.

Now consider your own duplicity which should bring you to hate your god. Let's say you are drunk. You were out all night. You are so drunk it would almost be certain you would get into a car accident. But your friends DON'T CARE. They don't do anything and just watch you go off in your car possibly to your death. I am fairly sure you would want your friends to stop you and you probably would want better friends than that. But that's what your god does. Your god glories in watching you get into the car off to kill yourself in an accident on a high speed freeway. Jesus is the friend of sinners quite unlike your friends.

This is a major contradiction between how you [Calvinist] would like to be treated and how your god treats people, and to me it is utterly evil. I would drop those friends in a heartbeat. Your god is not consistent with your own desire for friends to protect if you become incapacitated in a drunken slumber. Think of your alcoholism as your sin nature. Of course, I am assuming you are not a masochist that you would not want you friends to save you.

Of course you can resist your so-called friends and still take the car, but true friends will do everything in their power to stop you from hurting yourself.

Wow this was a great thought.