Trump puts on a show because his staff suggests the more ridiculous his statements the more people vote for him. He's not going to really build a physical wall. It's a metaphor, making it very real to us. He is giving people what they want which shows in the polls he is ahead of Hillary by acting like a nutcase. Maybe Hillary needs to say more crazy things like Trump to get elected.

Anyway, they are a product of the times and USA is the falling Roman Empire so nothing to be surprised about. Homosexuality is rampant and they are given equal taxation rights as real couples. That is the #1 sign of a nation that is falling. If I was President, I would never allow that to happen ever!

One thing I am sure about is people don't want to jeopardize their national security so the Clinton's can get a little richer.

At the end of the day, I would never elect either Trump or Clinton. I would probably vote for that guy who wears a boot on his head. Just kidding. I would abstain. Church and State are kept separate. No Christian would ever get elected.

As for the Apocalypse which is really the Tribulation that lasts 2,520 days, Daniel's final seven in Dan. 9, of course I wish it comes sooner because the sooner it does the sooner Jesus returns. That doesn't mean I am getting a dirty nuclear suitcase bomb and blowing up the Vatican for if I did something like that in Rev. 17.16 it would show I was never born-again Jan. 2001 in the first place. For the same reason I don't vote for Trump either even though if he was President it would bring about the Apocalypse sooner.

Did you know that 2,520 is the smallest number divisible by 2 to 10? Daniel used his sevens (7 x 360) as a basic prophetic working unit, the same units used for Israel when it went into exile. I find this fascinating.

As a double fulfilment of Daniel's prophecy that it would take 7 sets of 7 or 49 years x 360 days per year (17,640 days) from the declaration to rebuild Jerusalem, there is also 17,640 days from June 7, 1967 when Israel reclaimed Jerusalem to the Day of Atonement Sept. 23, 2015 (2015/16 is the 120th Jubilee = 50 x 120 = 6000 years).

And the three events of Rev. 6.12 statistically occurred miraculously 2010-15 before the Tribulation can occur.

The Tribulation could not occur before these events, nor before the 3rd Temple is mostly completed on the Temple Mount.

Cool eh?