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Thread: Scientology - Did Jesus Need to Erase His Engrams?

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    Default Scientology - Did Jesus Need to Erase His Engrams?

    I think I know what's going on with Scientology. They try to get people to relive engrams - past memory experiences - to have them cleared if they are negatively influencing them. The problem is that the way they go about doing it, same as in psychology and psychiatry, called regression therapy, is it is all selfish, self-oriented and not Christ centered. How could it be Christ centered if they reject Christ?

    What is the selfless way of the Lord? By receive forgiveness and dying on the cross with Christ, trusting that you have died to your old man. If you have died then put to nought the deeds of the flesh. Anything that is bothering you or weighing you down, let it die on the cross. The more selfless you become the more you will walk by the spirit and not live soulishly. You will see in the light of God's truth.

    In short, negative engrams are not erased truly, for sin will just pop up somewhere else. The only way is be Christ-like, for Jesus did not need to erase His engrams. It is no longer I that live but Christ lives in me by the Holy Spirit.

    L. Ron Hubbard, John Travolta, and Tom Cruise are going to Hell because they are trying to be saved by works and reject Jesus Christ who He truly is.

    When you get to the higher levels of Scientology, the "Operating Thetan" levels, you find out about some weird stuff like Xeno, the supreme leader, and a previous race of humans from another planet who were sent to earth and thrown into volcanoes and then nuked. Hubbard is insane!

    This shows you can start with a part truth, but since it also has a part falsehood to it, that can build up into really evil stuff. All falsehoods eventually break down.

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    When people undergo processing to remove engrams, it is private, except when something threatens the cult. So basically, they have a tight control on its members by being aware of their subconscious thoughts. Everyone is feeding off each other's engrams. Weird, no?

    Because Nicole Kidman's father was a prominent psychologist, Scientology considered him a PTS - potential trouble source. So when they did all kinds of auditing of Tom Cruise, they not only manipulated his subconscious to get a divorce and the notes were given to David Miscavige (chariman) to figure out how to use this information to break up their marriage. Miscavige went even further than this and tapped his phone. Apparently from these reports we find out that Tom Cruise had a very perverted sex life. How could Cruise and Miscavige still be friends? Miscavige must have something on Cruise.

    Medically speaking, Tom Cruise is classified as a "suppressive person" an SP.

    A file is built up on someone and can be used against him. No doubt about it.

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    Extreme paranoia makes sense if you are being abusive towards people. If you sin by being abusive, there is going to be fallout.

    Don't underestimate Satan. In Scientology he will spin you around in a jail of your mind which shows the fruit of engram clearing is bogus.

    Once Tom Cruise left in 2007, other high ranking people left. It's a snowball effect. This cult is dying.

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