Can someone critique my argument? Let's say 1 in 100 people become a Mormon god of a planet, after all, they are baptizing for the dead so they can be gods and virtually nobody goes to Hell (Mormons are effectively universalists). If we count from Adam to today let's say that is an average of a billion souls per generation, but only 1 in 100 are going to be gods of planets. From Adam to today that is 6000 years. Let's say a generation is 20 years. 6000 / 20 = 300 generations. 1 billion ^ 300 = infinity. But there are only 10^24 planets in the universe, or 1 trillion x 1 trillion. Seems like a problem. Hugh Ross, scientist, came up with 800 variables for life to exist on another planet which is such an astronomical number there is not even one other planet outside our solar system that can inhabit life. So how do Mormons get around this problem?