A Mormon Veil worker speaks out. I should point out that if you watch this guy's videos, he is obviously not a Christian. He totally hates Jesus. One of his complaints is he had 14 children which is what Mormons taught him to do to grow the cult. He admits he was deluded for having that many kids. The purpose of having so many kids is not just to grow the cult but to shut your mind down to reality, not question anything, because you don't have time to, for you are too busy taking caring of that many kids day after day. What time would you have to investigate the cult?

Whereas Paul in the Bible said he wished everyone was single so they could have more time to spend in the word of God and be less distracted by worldly affairs.

He sees Jesus as an absent Father, but is He really? Remember He came to earth and people killed Him. So He is letting us try it on our own for awhile about 2000 years before he returns to reign in the 3rd Temple for 1000 years.

In the Mormon temple the women have to veil their faces like Muslim women have to. In Mormonism he said women are just baby machines. Their faces have to be veiled because the Mormon men can't pray properly looking at the cute ones.

Prior to 1999 the Veil Worker and the new Mormon celestial convert had to be breast to breast through the veil so they had to grab each other, and they are naked essentially with a thin rob over them. Women were basically getting molested so they had to change the protocols.

The veil process is like some assembly line, very impersonal.

I totally agree not being able to see your children's wedding in the Mormon Temple because you could not afford to pay enough in tithes is hideous. Mormons are so evil!


Other videos show the same nonsense of the same rituals,


In this video, he admits he is an atheist. He said of himself, "I'm an atheist. I am an atheist. I use to be LDS [for 50 years], and I was a Christian after that, and now I am totally atheist. I am not trying to put out anything that is anti-Christian. I am just trying to tell you the truth of what Joseph Smith said..."

But since the Bible says those who are born-again "they shall never perish" (John 10.28), he never was a Christian even if he thought he once was. It's impossible for a Christian to lose the faith, for we gave our lives to the God who keeps.