Since the Book of Mormon teaches there is only one God and the Trinity then why does Joseph Smith contradict his own writings? It's because the Book of Mormon though it has many other false teachings is used as a primer to get you into Mormonism. They can come out right off the bat giving you the real crazy stuff.

The Book of Mormon teaches Jesus is the Father. That contradicts Mormonism and Christianity.

The Book of Mormon teaches against polygamy yet Joseph Smith had 34 wives.

These contradictions are so blatant any reasonable person must conclude Mormons are liars, deceivers and worship Satan that great Dragon and evil spirit who will be sent to Hell for all eternity as he will never repent. And on a sad note many Mormons will not repent either. They prefer their deceit and confusion. As is their character they are attracted to a faith with the same decrepit morality.

It's hard to get away from polygamy in Mormonism because if you are trying to grow a cult the best way is to brainwash as many kids as possible from birth. And after all since God is Adam and Adam had sex with Eve and Mary then God is already a polygamist in Mormonism.

Coocoo for cocoa puffs!

To me it is also cultish in Mormonism to say everyone forgets who they were when they were pre-mortal beings, because the cult can now just insert anything they like into their past lives to pawn it off as legitimate. All cults do this sort of crap! You are suppose to take it on blind faith. But true faith is "proven faith" as the Bible says "prove all things". If your foundations is a guy who was trying to rip people off with a seer stone that is not a good beginning.

Joseph Smith wrote in the Book of Mormon that polygamy was wrong and proceeded to continue to collect 34 wives. Sounds like a cult to support his carnal desires, pawned off, as needed to populate another planet he intends to be a god of. If it sounds evil, diabolical, perverted, twisted and totally unChristlike it probably is.